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  1. I can't type out the names of the peoples because they violate the forum rules. These are the kinds of people who kill the server late night. Crap.bmp Borgia70 STEAM_0:1:26787376 Allah Akbar STEAM_0:1:30719865 There was one more offender in there but these two were the worst, map after map as their TK's indicate
  2. Player Name: Mojorisun Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2313499 Violation: Teamkilling / teamwounding The guys stats show him to be obvious trolling tk'n general piece of crap. The picture shows him throwing nades hoping to get his own people coming out of spawn... I advise chemical castration... mojorisun tkn.bmp
  3. I started playing bass in 1986 - my first bass I treated like a china doll. I would see other people with stickers on their guitars and feel envious that they had the "courage" to do it. I guess I'm a "purist" for stock things. I recently bought a bass for the purpose of stickering - I still can't bring myself to do it - it is actually the second bass I've bought for that purpose, the other one I played for 15 years and sold it without ever putting a sticker on it. It's funny because one of my favorite videos from the wayyy back was Alvin Lee and Ten Years After at Woodstock with stickers on his guitar...
  4. Name: FZY & mMh***** Steam I.D: FZY - STEAM_0:1:26865080 mMh - STEAM_0:0:193357225 Team killers - screenshot attached Multiple Idiots.bmp
  5. Name: Kosmos Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:34059462 Reasons for the Ban: Constant teamkilling Demo Provided?: Y Screenshot [/b Comments: This person has issues Kosmos DB.bmp
  6. Name: I R O N Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:34478438 Duration of Ban: Ya know... Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TW and TK - he was using pistol to TW everybody then started killing another player repeatedly (s!D) . I encouraged people to refrain from vigilante justice and promised I would report. This guy TK'd me (he had TW'd and TK'd me intentionally previously just in passing) then left. Demo Provided?: N but his last session pt. total illustrates his nefarious behavior Comments: almost 3k hours played - you'd think a guy like this wouldn't want to risk a ban on one of the few active servers in the world - but there he was - using the troll 101 handbook
  7. Name: Tonk Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:303799 Duration of Ban: 1 month Reasons for the Ban: TK'n late night / early morning because no one there to stop it Demo Provided?: Y - Screenshot Comments: TK'ers are a scourge upon the decent people of the gaming world...
  8. Name: ✪Canupp Blump King Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47629661 STEAM_0:1:17570693 Duration of Ban: Permanent but your call of course Reasons for the Ban: Blatant TK'ng while talking about "white power" Demo Provided?: Screenshot of their absurd TK numbers Y/N Comments: They seemed determined to kill server population - that's uncool...
  9. Obscure song - obscure band - early 1990's metal with a very common situation for many of us. Being "Surrounded by idiots..." Sounds like the last round of Palermo I played...
  10. mytherity STEAM_0:0:21426382 Intentional TK - Blatant Screen Shot 3:30 A.M. EST 11-14-16 Was at -52 last I looked...
  11. Little known fact... Translated "Holquist" means "Person with a messed-up microphone..." Now you know.....the rest of the story....(Paul Harvey news and comment)
  12. With the South American influence on the server it seems wrong not to have these guys in the thread. The song even applies to the DoD:S concept. The one below is for those fluent in Portuguese (not me but I've been to Brasil)
  13. Player name: DINAZ STEAM_0:1:23516949 Here is a late night player determined to keep the server empty. This was fourth map in a row he was TK'n on. Y'all run a great server. Thank you.
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