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svjaos last won the day on July 10 2018

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  1. It's a scary job, isn't it? Do you get paid more? Risk allowance?
  2. You're handsome... Don't you feel stuffy? The mask is driving America crazy. But America will get through it again.
  3. 내가 왜 중국에 있습니다. 미국 대통령 이이 질병이 중국입니다. 한국인 도로도 중국 때문에 고통 스럽습니다. 우리를 같은 종족으로 부르지 않습니다. 부탁합니다 한국, 중국, 일본은 다른 문화를 가지고 있습니다. 다운로드.jfif images.jfif
  4. Why do Chinese people eat bats? . It is the Chinese word for bat, 蝠. 蝠 (fú) This letter is read as fú. And this letter has the same sound as the letter 福. The 福 Eagle means good luck. When you go to China, you put this letter upside down on the door of every house. Then, I think that luck is pouring in. But here is the reason why Chinese eat bats. These two letters read in the same voice. 福 (fú) 蝠 (fú) When you eat a bat, you eat good luck. That's why Chinese people eat bats. The letter in the middle means good luck. 福 (fú)
  5. I misunderstood Ray. 
    I reported that he had committed an illegal act.

    to day

    I apologized to him today. 
    I'm sorry. I didn't know you were a professional. Apologize politely.
    But I didn't get an "okay."

    1. Marsden 1st MRB

      Marsden 1st MRB

      No worries thank you for letting me know XD.

  6. Name:ray Steam I.D:steamID: STEAM_1:1:10322432 steamID3: [U:1:20644865] steamID64: 76561197980910593 customURL http://steamcommunity.com/id/inmemoryofdc4 profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980910593 profile state Public profile created January 1st, 1970 name Ray Reasons for the Ban: aim hack, aimbot, cheater, Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  7. I want to introduce Chinese songs. It's a very old song... Do you know a movie called "Almost a Love Story"? If you have a chance, I hope you see it... It is a Hong Kong movie When I was young, I had no response. After I become an adult, I see them when I feel sad or sentimental. 你问我爱你有多深, 我爱你有几分 (Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen Wo ai ni you ji fen) (story) You asked me. How much I love you, How much I love you. 我的情也真, 我的爱也真, 月亮代表我的心 (Wo di qing ye zhen, wo di ai ue zhen Yue liang dai biao wo de xin) (story) My heart is true, My love is also true. That moonlight shines on my heart. 你问我爱你有多深, 我爱你有几分 (Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen Wo ai ni you ji fen) (story) You asked me. How much I love you, How much I love you. 我的情不移, 我的爱不变, 月亮代表我的心 (Wo di qing bu yi, Wo de ai bu bian Yue liang dai biao wo de xi) (story) My heart won't leave, My love doesn't change The moonlight reflects my heart. 轻轻的一个吻, 已经打动我的心 (Qing qing de yi ge wen Yi jing da dong wo de xin) (story) Smooth mouthing, Makes my heart flutter. 深深的一段情, 叫我思念到如今 (Shen shen de yi duan qing Jiao wo si niandao ru jin) (story) A faint longing still exists. It makes you draw. 你问我爱你有多深, 我爱你有几分 (Ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen Wo ai ni you ji fen) (story) You asked me. How much I love you, How much I love you. 你去想一想, 你去看一看, 月亮代表我的心 (Ni qu xiang yi xiang, Ni qu kan yi kan Yue liang dai biao wo de xin.) (story) Draw it on your head and look at it. That moonlight tells me how I feel. 첨밀밀OST - 월량대표아적심 (등려군).mp4
  8. Hey bro, how are you?... These days, the whole world is getting sick...I know you guys know, but...The origin of the disease is the Chinese city of Wuhan. 武汉, 武漢, Wǔhàn. Wuhan is the center of transportation between water routes and cars.Wuhan is a trading city that can be seen as the starting point of the Silk Road. In our country, Wuhan, China is a city I want to visit before I die. Do you like martial arts movies? Do you happen to know Taegeukgwon? There are five kinds of Taegeukgwon. Among them, Pungga Taegeukgwon was made in Wuhan...You're not interested? What's famous about China? Lion dance? Light play? Firecrackers? Let me introduce Chinese food and Wuhan food. 1 deupi 豆皮 Do you know tofu? You grind the beans and you boil them. When it's cooked in salt water... It's like jelly stuff. But this food is made from the skin of tofu. Of course, this food is also in Korea and Japan. China uses a lot of spices. Korea or Japan doesn't have much spice. China likes spices, Japan likes sweet food, and Koreans like salty and spicy food. 2 sanxian deupi 三鲜豆皮\ Upgrade version of food 1. Spread rice on tofu skin. Chop the burdock mushrooms, carrots, and onions. Next, we grill it like pizza. breakfast. 3 hwansitwan 欢喜团 This is a kind of bread. Koreans and Japanese enjoy eating it, too. We have red beans, and what does China put? I don't know, but I think it's similar. My jaw hurts when I eat this!! It's very tough. 4 mianwar面窝 Do I look like a doughnut? I am sorry but this food is older than the West. Korea and Japan make it sweet, but China just tastes like flour. But there's sweet stuff, so look for it. 5 shaomei 烧梅 food representative of China It's called Gyoza and Shoma. It's originally a beach food. It contains shrimps and minced meat. I like shrimp. The thinner the dough is in flour, the more expensive the food becomes. The soup is salty and tastes good. This is from China. You know the movie "Three Kingdoms"? If you look there, it's the food that Zhuge Liang made and the theory. It's different from dumplings. There are dumplings in Korea, too. But this is a different kind of food than dumplings. Oh, my mouth is watering. 6 shjindeufunao 什锦豆腐脑 This food makes soft tofu. Soft tofu is tofu that feels like pudding. They are also in Korea and Japan. This is very spicy food. Korean and Chinese war on spicy food. 7 yabo 鸭脖 It looks like sausage. Wrong!! have a duck's neck There is garlic in the soy sauce. 8 leganmian 热干面 Wuhan's Lugan is one of the top five Chinese noodle dishes, along with Shaanxi, Dao Xiaox Noodle, Sichuan's Tandang Noodle , Northern Jajang Noodle , and Liang Guangyifu Noodle. It is characterized by hotness and lack of soup and is a food loved by many Chinese people. There are so many things to eat. I can't make enough. Why eat strange animals such as the bat and the heavenly mountains? It's because of energy. Do you know what Asian favorite medicine is? Viagra... America likes drugs, right? The same goes for us. But drugs are against the law and Viagra is not. However, Asians believe that there is a food that gives them strength like Viagra. So Koreans eat dog meat. China, of course, eats. Only a few people eat. I'm disgusted. Mel Gibson said he eats in movies, too. The Chinese eat everything except the bookcase. Our people say so in a funny way. It's kind of a joke No way! You guys are going to eat that, too. I'll tell you... a country that makes food from automobile tires. A country that makes eggs by chemical processing in factories, a country that makes rice from paper. That's China. https://youtu.be/TnuDjUP2hbo ( rice from paper) https://youtu.be/RQrd-Lwsf0Y (fake Chinese food) So the Made-in-China- Think about it 100 times before you buy it. Oh Trump god... Punish China. plz T^T my jop stop... ㅠㅠ (china crazy fuck food)
  9. Korea has a conscription system. When Israel conscripts, the women go, right? We only go to men.!! shet fuck Fortunately, the number of months has decreased. 3year ->2 years and 6 months We call the United States "chun jo guk" 천조국 = chun jo guk = 千兆國 Meaning that the cost of the army is spending $1 quadrillion. Do you agree? This is a video clip. It's about our army. There are no English subtitles. Oh, and most Koreans are envious of the U.S. weapons system because they have been to the military. We only give you one rifle. Just like our servers these days. The woman here didn't enlist from the country, she came in on her own. The second video shows me a story about a infantryman. I had been working as an infantryman. 2009 - 2011 It was awful. North Korea shelled our island. If America hadn't stopped it, there would have been a war. Video number 3 It was when North Korea attacked our country. Video No. 4 This is what you do when you're in the army. Video No. 5 When you think about joining the U.S. Army, you should see it! Let's take a look at the U.S. Army's personal equipment! Don't go if you can't go to the army. But my country, I protect it. You need to know what it takes to protect it.
  10. On Telecommunication Fees in Korea We have three companies. us 2 = kor 2000 us 22 = kor 22000 Communication is unrestricted. The Internet is unlimited. There are more discount systems.
  11. Marine spirit taught by the United States Myths of the Marine Corps in Korea South Korea-U.S. Combined Exercise With the help of the Allies, our country is happy today.
  12. These days, our country is politically noisy. The U.S. and China are fighting Japan and our country are also fighting. This is because our country was colonized by Japan before. Our country is not on good terms with China. Because China can't unify us. My grandfathers are all on the American side. Me? I'm on the American side, too. Why? you can only understand this movie if I see it. Oh, I'm sorry. It was boring and boring. How about this? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC084zOc5knHoHr81teIziwQ I introduced you to our country's street foods. https://www.youtube.com/user/koreanenglishman This is an English broadcast. It's easy to work when Americans come to our country. You can earn 100 million won a month just by teaching English. Evidence? It's terrible, isn't it? I can't speak a word of English in society. It's terrible, isn't it? Tyler, an American, is an English teacher. I'm gonna change it one more time. he difference between Korea and Japan a university festival Last video
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