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Everything posted by Dagrahelm

  1. Name: Tifrobond Steam I.D: STEAM_1:1:16220882 [U:1:32441765] 76561197992707493 Date & Time of ban: November 2015 Admin who banned you: Cannon (cant remember rank been 3 years) Reason we should Unban: It's been nearly three years I still have invite request from both members and regulars who still play on the server. and i still haven't been clearly told how the reason for my ban was justified other then i made the server a toxic place. only that i made it a toxic place
  2. Name: Tifrobond Steam I.D: [U:1:32441765] Date & Time of ban: 12/27/2016 Admin who banned you: Source bans says Larson Reason we should Unban: I was unaware that my actions made things uncomfortable in the server I will strive to do better
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