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Wang last won the day on April 22 2017

Wang had the most liked content!

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Pineapple Grenade

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Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)




Community Answers

  1. A 1050ti seems like a solid gpu to me but if you are looking forwards to building a budget computer there is a build on Reddit called "the crusher"https://pcpartpicker.com/list/LmgJ3F however in Canada the 1050ti seems a little bit expensive if I buy a mini so I managed to buy a full sized card that is also oc'd for about 10$ less. PayPal is currently offering a 25$ discount for 200$ purchases on Newegg
  2. Might need a new processor aswell?
  3. Bought the GOTY edition for about 15 bucks during steam summer sale, really solid game!
  4. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Happy birthday sir!
  6. Happy birthday man!
  7. Happy birthday sir!
  8. The trailer isn't what I expected. Has a lot more action than I thought
  9. Yes, there has been improvements with my laptop and I do not need any further assistance at the moment. Thank you to the people of the MSO for helping me out.
  10. I only had two configs on games I know longer play (both were uninstalled) which was CS:GO and TF2. And yes, when I was advised to do a system restore I did that
  11. Name: Jason Wang Rank: Private Type of issue: Possibly software or hardware Brief Description of Issue: This has been a problem with my laptop for a few months now, however I finally started getting bothered by it. Although my laptop was already really basic and not a proper gaming laptop it could run very basic games such as World of Tanks Blitz (this was a mobile game ported onto PC) however I got really disappointed in how low the frames were when it came to running a game such as Battlefield 2: Bad Company. So, knowing that my brother had better knowledge of computers than I did I was told to just uninstall useless things that I didn't need (majority of my steam games). After all of this I was advised to do a disk defrag just to clean up my computer even further. Now after all of this I noticed that my laptop had turned unreasonably slow and would keep on freezing for a good minute or to with certain apps open (specifically Discord). This is when I decided I should restart my laptop only to realize that the restart had lasted a very short period of time (e.g my restarts would take 3+ minutes before but now took less than a minute. It was then that my brother advised that I should probably do a system restore because of how bad in shape my laptop was after the "clean up", but I didn't notice any difference. Now, it's really hard to communicate on my laptop (e.g ventrilo with day of defeat"). If I were to run World of Tanks Blitz and discord either my frames and loading time would take a major beating or my discord would keep on freezing/freezing my computer (most cases all of these would happen). My laptop can no longer run basic games and it almost struggles to run Day of Defeat. I only brought submit this ticket now because a couple months back I couldn't get any help but now I'm very active on my laptop. Thanks in advance P.S I tried to keep it very short but a lot had happened at the time. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: J. Candy Supporting Technician:
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