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Weimert 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Weimert 1st MRB

  1. I bet you that in the first picture she has frisbee nipples.
  2. No but if I saw a one legged man with his wooden leg on fire, I couldn't help but laugh. Do you think he could stop drop and roll without getting any splinters?
  3. Sleek Sharps! YEAH!
  4. Wherever the fuck Parker lives: Every Canadian has to eat pancakes in the morning with syrup.
  5. 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (3) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (57)
  6. And the Packers dominated the Cowboys. We could do this all day
  7. Thanks everyone. Just got home from work time to drink.
  8. So heres the skinny, I'm moving this weekend and I was looking into new internet providers. So I can get 16mb internet from comcast $52.95 OR 12 mb DSL from qwest $56.99 OR 22 MB from Comcast $62.95 OR 20 MB from qwest $69.99 DISCUSS!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Just so you know im TheDude.Tf. I was the one leading the second realism...Now having said that I am an asshole when I lead my realisms thats just how I am and how I will always be. During a realism if your not familar with the rules, Captain, you don't talk while the one leading it, is, all you should be doing is staring straight ahead with your pistol out waiting for instructions. I told you to shut up cause you kept saying, "Can I go here?" "I got a really good spot over here." then you proceeded to become a smart ass. Then Lehman banned you, and then there was bliss. I just want to say when you came back in on your brother's account you were even more disrespectful then ever, trying to egg us on, into a verbal agruement. I just want to Thank God for not knowing you in person.
  11. X-Men (5) Fantastic 4 (5) The A-Team (5) The band coldplay (4) Batman and Robin (5) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (6) The 7 Dwarfs (Snow White) (5) Team America (Team America: world police) (5) Ace and Gary (the ambiguously gay duo from SNL) (6) Mermaid man and Barnacle boy (Spongebob squarepants) (5) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (5) Rudolph, Sam the snowman, Herbie, and Yukon Cornelius (Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer) (4)
  12. Germany (28) United States (47) Canada (48) Norway (37) Japan (12) Italy (14) Russia (31)
  13. http://files.filefront.com/dod+snow+bri ... einfo.html
  14. Ketchup for the win! My cousin eats ketchup on his pancakes.....
  15. I love Spam. Fry it up and slap some cheese on it, two peices of wheat bread. *BAM* Spam Sandwich. mmmm...I'm gonna go eat some right now.
  16. Mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwSAMpdB ... re=related Engle's ... re=related
  17. 1. Big Lebowski 2. Saving Private Ryan 3. Boondock Saints 4. Tommy Boy 5. Spaceballs 6. Super Troopers 7. Batman The Dark Knight 8. Goonies 9. The Good the Bad and the Ugly 10. Band of Brothers
  18. Its Englebretsen. I wish, I had my own butler.
  19. Hey guys you need to see how steady your hand is.....http://www.maniacworld.com/maze_game.htm
  20. So a Total of 10 people voted...6 of them were cast for Parker....That just goes to show...Parker you are one sexy man! P.S. I voted for you
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