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A. Dubois 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by A. Dubois 1st MRB

  1. Trying out irl for a minute to work on my mental health, I'll be back (:
  2. The game isn't great, save your money Avila.
  3. Good job Candy! As a newer member it's very interesting to read about the history of this unit.
  4. A. Wagner letting you know I have name changed back to my original name I had when enlisting, making this post to inform all so you know who this new A. Dubois on friendslist is.
  5. Happy new year everyone! Remember 15 minutes and some water between shots
  6. I know, not source. Hopped on the good 'ol 1.3 today for a map on my old clans server turns out I still got it lol.
  7. 4th video of some pub stuff if anyone is interested.
  8. Name: kefmif key-drop.pl Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:185786667 Recommended duration of ban: At admins discretion Demo Provided?: N Details: Started tking, accumulated 8-9 teamkills
  9. They crushed. Of course they deserved the win, it's the most obvious proof that they were the better team this tournament.
  10. We'll do a test run in the pub server and see, the only issue I can think of is ping otherwise it should be fine.
  11. If I'm playing u can watch my livestream over that steam thing if you want.
  12. I was watching, got fun again after Brasil scored that beautiful goal to make it 2-1. Congrats on the win.
  13. Small let's sign up and win, I'm basically British because we have real estate there.
  14. I heard that youtube thumbnails with asses brings in views, figured I'd give it a try.
  15. Our record vs England is apparently 8-7, I don't know though we didn't have that drive last match so hopefully we come out hungry for that win.
  16. Yet again a quick edit of some things I got saved up using shadowplay.
  17. Funny guy. Should've been 2-2 when we faced Germany anyways, that polish retard of a referee didn't give us the most obvious penalty kick in the history of penalty kicks.
  18. Sweden won their group, woo!
  19. Nice! The song fit very well. I should stop being lazy and edit the clips I've saved up..
  20. A good idea for a youtube series, good luck to you!
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