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A. Dubois 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by A. Dubois 1st MRB

  1. I'm getting it I think, they got a good team of devs. Even brought in phantasy who was a promod pro as a dev to give them suggestions, bug fixes and he ended up creating a map as well, the game looked great for a beta when I watched him stream it. The only issue that I could see is slight staleness to the models but it's a beta that will be fixed for sure, gameplay wise it flowed very good for a competetive shooter. It's worth the 12 pounds.
  2. It's basically a mix between cod2 and promod, expect fast gameplay and jumpshots. All the good stuff.
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Thanks for your work guys! I have been very hesitant but I'll make sure to check out bright since you recommended it Gougeon.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Is that an alien that hasn't hatched or a mouse?
  8. Thanks for the tips guys, I ended up buying the logitech g403 it fit my grip the best.
  9. Alright thanks I'll check out claes ohlson's and I guess I could call el giganten to see if they got things on display. We do have a mediamarkt but their salesmen are crap so I won't go there, bought a phone from them and they managed to wreck two of my sim cards when I asked for help to cut it into the micro version the new phones use..
  10. Thanks guys! Anderson, which stores in our country lets you feel the mice instead of just looking at them in the box?
  11. My loyal mouse that I've had for years is starting to give up me so I would like some advice in getting myself a new one. My hands are somewhat small so I would assume a smaller or thin would be more ideal for comfort in all sorts of aiming situations? What kind of mice are you guys using and do you have any recommendations?
  12. I watched the first season then it kind of got away from me, maybe I should get back into it.
  13. I wanted to test out sony vegas so I've been saving some fun clips since I joined using shadowplay and this is the result. It's not a great edit by any means but figured you might find it amusing to watch.
  14. Good stuff! I like the k98 skin you're using.
  15. Name: RoadToLibrary Steam I.D: He left before I could grab it, he played on the server at 1:42 eastern Duration of Ban: Admins discretion Reasons for the Ban: He setup a mg in spawn and tk'd then left as soon as he could. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Hopefully there is a way to track the ID since I provided the name and time, thanks.
  16. Very good job, the realism news was a fun read.
  17. Nothing too crazy but it's alright.
  18. Looked up outlast, thank you for the tip but I think I'll pass this time hahaha
  19. Nice always fun with frag videos!
  20. Got this game yesterday and it's great, won my first solo this morning. If anyone wants to play feel free to add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lulice/
  21. My two babies
  22. I tried messing around with different graphic settings like you suggested earlier but I still have the problem.. I'm about to just give up on this and accept that sprays aren't a thing for me, it's not a huge deal after all.
  23. Checked my config, cl_playersprayenable was set to 0. The spray does not work in our server.
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