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    .30Cal Browning Machine Gun

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  1. Done, Sergeant. Thank you for the assistance. If someone could mark this as resolved, as I don't know how, that would be wonderful.
  2. Name: Michael Hottle Rank: Pvt. Brief Description of Issue: When I attempt to connect, it states that I have the incorrect version of Ventrilo. Mainly stating that the server runs on a different version, a version that seems to be named 3.0.6 Typically this wouldn't be an issue as I could just download 3.0.6. Though when I go to the download link for Ventrilo, the only available versions is 4.0, and 3.0.8 or something along those lines. How would I go about installing 3.0.6? I've googled for the version and I can't find any official download links. I'm wary about going to other sites that are not the Ventrilo one for obvious reasons such as viruses and the like. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician: J. Candy
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