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Englebretson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Englebretson 1st MRB

  1. Fuck off you wanker!
  2. Almost every minigun attached to a helicopter or air support time vehicle uses depleted rounds. They've been using them since the 80s. I watched a documentary about tank drivers and how some get radiation poisining from being in close proximity to DU rounds.
  3. Bruce Willis
  4. The successor of the OG Marine Raiders.
  5. For the record, Ryu was known as Fujiwara while he was in the 1st MRB.
  6. Looks like they have found some networks willing to give them a new show Good News! What?
  7. I try to treat everyone equally. That's why I just decided to hate all of you. Especially you Johnson.
  8. Boooooo! Where is the praise for my Twinkies!!!!!!?!?!?!
  9. I hate this game atm
  10. He has already been cleared from a previous review.
  11. Lol defecting, you've been watching way too many hockey films about the USSR. Or I just know how Minnesotans think
  12. Pshhh. Vancouver Canucks vs. New York Rangers all the way. Just so Vigneault can lose to his old team. Keep dreaming guys. Wild over Rangers 4-2 with Stepan and McDonough defecting midway through the series to the Wild.
  13. How late are you willing to stay up?
  14. Netflix did release a statement saying that right now they are keeping their distance until the whole ordeal is sorted out.
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