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K. Swartz 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About K. Swartz 1st MRB

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  1. maybe repost?
  2. OMG did you see that Ford just drive by, looking nice man. Maybe need a wash!!!
  3. honest trailer of LOL!!!!!!!
  4. TitanFall is Free for 48 hours on origins, looks like time starts once you start playing.
  5. hahahahahahah this is pure gold, me in 20 years lol.
  6. Couldn't find a video to embed sorry. http://www.break.com/video/care-about-our-soldiers-2747963
  7. thantos_97@yahoo.com
  8. im in again!!!
  9. silverado worst fucking truck made, Ill keep my super duty thanks.
  10. lol hands down turkey, with sharp cheddar, bread and butter pickles, and crushed Doritos!!!!!(Bread and condiments to your taste) ummm they even have this bad ass salsa turkey at my work. Second place would be a good hard salami.
  11. thought this was pritty funny.
  12. yall know my answer BEER any kind lol!!!
  13. Lords was fun, but Age of Empires was the game that got me off Nintendo and onto computer gaming.
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