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Everything posted by Vivid

  1. happy birthday. hope you get to lay men. many men. mwahahah >
  2. happy birthday ooglybooglyboo, our newest BAR member :D for your present, i won't steal your kills for 1 map?
  3. happy birthday
  4. lol i think my eyes are too small or something but i totally couldn't read the explosives sign T.T;;
  5. Vivid

    amagash xD

    >.< ahhhh so cute. for all you dog lovers, show me a cute puppy video. c'mon. let's see it! N/A!!!!
  6. Ok, so call me retarded or whatever, but I don't get it...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A98QLymh_4k I swear, wth is the matter with asian guys? First the 'Tuts mah barreh' guy, and now this? T.T;;
  8. Vivid

    amagash xD

    @Yama- your cat is epically vicious and mystical. @Parker- you need to try le's doggy soup to know that puppies taste better! )))
  9. haha you guys obviously didn't watch his video. otherwise, you'd love Christmas too.
  10. Vivid

    amagash xD

    hahahahaha that's on your wall??!!
  11. Vivid

    amagash xD

    gmoney, rofl. who'd be up on your wall? our ms kimber henry?
  12. Vivid

    amagash xD

    rofl, i don't smell bad, but i have bought 92 dollars worth of cat food and some yams for myself before. ;X at least you don't have to squeeze a cat to go pee. annnnd when you live in apts that don't allow any pets, it's better to have a cat than a dog so it doesn't make noise and you don't have to take it out all the time. psh, i was comparing cats to kids anyways, not to dogs. that is until gmoney put that meanass link up there. JERKFACE!
  13. Vivid

    amagash xD

    dogs drool. cats rule.
  14. Vivid

    amagash xD

    NOBODY WATCH THAT LINK. GMoney, you are disgusting. If I could delete your post, I would. You're a terrible person. /cuts your wrist
  15. Vivid

    amagash xD

    43 "children" for me....
  16. Vivid

    amagash xD

    ;D This does it. I'm for sure going to be a crazy cat lady when I grow up.
  17. cutest shit evarrrrr!!!!!! *meow*
  18. Next time you get minimized, get into your task manager and check which processes are going on.
  19. @GMoney- ROFL, you put isopropyl on what? O.O The only time you should be using it is if you were to replace your heat sink and you needed to clean off the arctic silver. Besides, it evaporates so quickly. I doubt it has a high specific heat capacity at all. @Gooderham- I don't think your minimizing issues have to do with your computer overheating unless you're getting some warning pop ups? I'd try disabling all the crap background programs that you don't need while gaming.
  20. Ya know, if you OC'ed your CPU you'd get at least 30 more fps. And if you cleaned out your computer and got rid of all the dust.
  21. happy turkey day. btw engle, that pic is awesome.
  22. T.T Ouch. That's like a step higher than an integrated graphics card.
  23. Vivid

    Starcraft 1

    Earliest I heard about its release is March 2010. ;/ We'll see how that goes...
  24. Does somebody need a new CPU/GC? ;p jkjk
  25. happy birthday phanny pack!!!! if i knew where you lived, i'd have cookies and pizza delivered to you. or send you computer parts.
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