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Everything posted by Palladino

  1. A whistleblower turned in documents to the commissioner demonstrating that he kept players on injured list to make sure other teams wouldn't pursue them. Evidently it is a common practice, but for reasons known to the whistleblower, Billy seemed to go beyond what is acceptable. Billy Eppler - Improper Use of Injure List
  2. What a transition from DoDs.  I never enjoyed DoD as it was too fast for my personal FPS preference.  I'm more of a strategic, planning, operational player.   Hell Let Loose offers the world of Wolfenstein ET, and the large map environment of say Battlefield.  Plus the development has improved.  Glad to be a part of the 1st MRB.


    Personally, I'm an avid chess player, and enjoy a bit of poker every so often.   I'm a true gamer having played D&D since highschool.   Definitely have a gaming spirit.


    I work as a Level II Tech in Information Technology.  It's been a slow burn on my career, but I love what I do and I do it well.


    I'm practicing HLL most of the time with some stops at Baldur's Gate and Super Mega Baseball 3.   Just recently, I play with the Super Casual Football Simulation League using Axis Football as a base for spectating games.

  3. I know you can get one from a Harry Potter shop - comes with magical properties. It's a useful attituded adjustment tool out of the box!
  4. Pally. Palladino. Washington State. IT Guy...finally L3. I enjoy gaming, but we have such a beautiful state with plenty to do outside - camping, hiking, hunting, fishing...keep you busy all summer.
  5. I did witness this action.
  6. Name: dod6 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:729015875 Reasons for the Ban: Using the N word - witnessed by many including HiLiter Recommended duration of ban: Perma - check with HiLiter and others to be certain Demo Provided?: N
  7. Name: PorkMaster Steam I.D: U:1:33933538 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing witnessed by Sgt. N. Nutz [8th ID] Recommended duration of ban: Discretionary - player was not warned Demo Provided?: N
  8. Name: drthunder Steam I.D: U:1:420421861 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing witnessed by Sgt. N. Nutz [8th ID] Recommended duration of ban: Discretionary - player was not warned Demo Provided?: N
  9. Name: внук Михея Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:77455487 Reasons for the Ban: Blatant TK during match - I witnessed it. Then blatant TK in spawn against myself. Recommended duration of ban: a day or more - told him not to do that again after first TK Demo Provided?: N
  10. Name: 8751128 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:56886784 Reasons for the Ban: Targeted team killing against myself. On 4 separate occasions, on two different maps, this player thought it was okay to shoot me at point blank knowing full well that I was on his team. The last two TK's were blantant. Recommended duration of ban: a day or more. No more than 7, as he wasn't targeting anyone specifically other than me. I told him to stop killing me, but he didn't listen. Demo Provided?: N
  11. Name: ga Steam I.D: U:1:1009460621 Reasons for the Ban: In game name is "ga". We had a player named "gas" who was under suspicition. Posting here to see if this is a secondary account or if he stole someone elses account. Note the status display below which I copied. # 1899 "ga" [U:1:1009460621] 02:35 134 0 Recommended duration of ban: Discretionary depending on the investigative result. Demo Provided?: No
  12. Name: Apollo Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:516165296 Reasons for the Ban: 21 team kills - witnessed by Pvt. D. Priest [1st MRB] Recommended duration of ban: Discretion Demo Provided?: N
  13. Name:拿手扣这里B==D Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:602894936 Reasons for the Ban: -13 Suicides (team killing) Recommended duration of ban: 30 days to Permanent Demo Provided?: No. Pfc K. Goosecock [6thRB] witnessed the actions
  14. I've applied Dillon's config settings and they work great - most of the settings I never thought of using. I'm getting a pretty good flow of action, and my hit registration is on target for my gamestyle. Also it is nice to have fiber internet and be wired instead of wireless. I would copy and past what you want to use in your own config file as I have key binds for mine.
  15. Name: Berserker Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:22346264 Reasons for the Ban: Possible Hacking. Demo recorded by Krimit. Per Krimit: "go to tick 4000 i nthat demo and then turn on wire frame...and enjoy the show" Recommended duration of ban: Unit Decision. After reviewing the Demo, 1stLt. J. Candy, and GySgt. J. Flores were both in the server at the time. While it might be true that there was good shooting. I didn't personally see anything wrong with Berserker's play. However, I've never witnessed hacking. I'm curious to find out what our staff sees in the demo. Demo Provided?: Y berserkerh4x.dem
  16. Edit: Your answer does cover the basics, and I feel we need a much deeper discussion with examples posted on the forum. Let me know if that would be something to pursue. Dean
  17. I've always wanted to have a balanced game in DoDs, but with my current network setup, that is not going to be possible. I get 50mbps pipe but I have to connect wireless due to the two story townhome and where the router is located - plus there is a translation box that has to go with the router. It could be moved, but it's not my account. I tried some repeaters but they are locking the mbps at 3. We can discuss options to improve the wifi later. For now I want to know how many of you use stock lerp at 100 ms. If I keep my cl_interp at 100. What does that do for me? At zero? it would be yellow. At 0.020 is orange. At 0.033 white. I'm still losing the long distance batter 90% of the time, and almost 98% CQB with the rifle. Maybe I switch guns at close range better. Here is my netcode settings right now:\ //netcode rate 100000 cl_cmdrate 66 cl_updaterate 66 cl_interp_ratio 1 cl_interp 0.033 sensitivity 1.00 fps_max 60 cl_autorezoom 0 cl_autoreload 1 Anything to add?
  18. It was a great success. I'm still new to the game so I had my difficulties, but watching Scinta, Corney, Murl, work together and really communicate is awesome. Looking forward to more Hell Let Loose training and even having our own server. DoDs is a quick scrim game, but Hell Let Loose teaches strategy and tactics better with more roleplaying than DoDs.
  19. Sgt. Duckers, I've added you to my Steam. I'm very knowledgeable about computers being a Level II tech for years, and currently working as an IT / Supply Tech. Keeps me busy. Still haven't figured out DoD crashing issues - I might have to run ProcMon to see what DoD is trying to do. Dino
  20. Name: Palladino Rank: Recruit Type of issue: (Software/Networking) Brief Description of Issue: The current map was Colmar, as an Axis, coming out of spawn using middle path, going toward the middle. My strategy here is to peek the door going to the Allied AA gun, then peek the window. When I hit my mapped button for the iron sights, it froze making the looped gunfire sound as I was around several players. Then it crashed. I really need to find if running ProcMon might help or if there is some server logs to look at. Dino ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Researching Main Technician: 1stSgt. Z. Duckers Supporting Technician: SgtMaj. D. Sanborne
  21. Name: Dizzee Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:61788412 and https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198083842553 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing over 99 kills Demo Provided?: Y/N Screenshot only (posted) Comments: Did not respond to others to stop - deliberately was team killing any and all members of his team regardless of what side he was on.
  22. Name: RUSLAN Steam I.D: Reasons for the Ban: [U:1:146639136] Recommended duration of ban: 3 DAYS Demo Provided?: N - witnessed by [DHB]NoMercy Y/N
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