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Everything posted by Wingate

  1. Happy B-day
  2. Hi, now were: 1. Talking too much 2. Making stupid noises 3. Talking too much crap 3. Being negative 4. Playing music 5. Screaming 6. Saying dumb stuff all the time 7. Annoying anyone 8. chatting stupid stuff 9. chat spamming 10. Finailly annoying Kirkendall? These could be all the reasons, and just to let you know today is December 12, 2011 and Saturday was December 10, 2011.
  3. Right on!! Tito will never wear the gold again, he's only good at beating up old dudes and starting shit. YOU DIGG!!
  4. Makes me laugh... I think Im going to make a spray or signature of the abused Picachu...
  5. O' Captain you just hoping it was porn
  6. I want only one thing for christmas stop posting about what you want for christmas. If its not for me then don't post... JK JK 1. Just more money... YOU DIGG!!
  7. Happy B-day for the old and young. LOL
  8. I'm in YOU DIGG!!
  9. Happy Birthday Takel.
  11. I thought this talent show was pretty funny lol.
  12. BORING!!!! This is going to be the same thing on every GTA. Slow start, get to steal cars anytime you want, kill hoes, do long and boring missions, chasing bad guys, oh yeah polices chases. Not worth my 60 bucks... YOU DIGG!!
  13. Wingate


    Oh wow everyone is saying welcome to the forum and shit. Well welcome to the forum I have only one rule: 1. Don't post anything that could piss me off. How that of warm welcome? Anyway, continue the spams of welcomes.
  14. omg love this comic strip...
  15. Hey he said sig so I took the time and my opinion. All day, everyday.
  16. The signature looks okay for an amateur. There is alot that needs to be done like: 1. color is bland 2. words seem to be placed in random places 3. cheap glow effect 4. doesn't have eye appeal (which mean when I close and open my eyes first thing I see is the gun) 5. 1st mrb logo looks butchered, and place in random area of sig. 6. why have 1st mrb log and 1st mrb? I think one or the other will do. 7. if you going to keep 1st mrb I think it looks better beside your name. 8. "fuck off bro" should be on its own plane because when I first look at it I thought it read "fuck off bro, Elf" 9. add more grudge. 10. add more effect to the gun. I think it would say "fuck off bro" I think smoke from warning shot would do nicely. Anyway it looks good but sig isn't there yet for my apporval. LOL. GOOD JOB!!
  17. Happy b-day
  18. Come on Magic easy as hell. Answer: Nothing. There nothing greater then god. There nothing more evil then devil, the poor have nothing, and rich need nothing, and if you eat nothing you die. My riddle
  19. Damn it Kirk beat me to it, I was stuck in reply screen shity internet, and I hate these probabiliy riddles. I have all the friends in the world, when shared I hold many secrets, when asked I provide entertainment for my friends, but if I find the wrong type of entertainment I probably get sick, and when I'm sick it spreads and I freeze and then see blue. What am I?
  20. Okay no goole or bing cheaters... After answering post your own riddle. What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
  21. Happy B-day Weatherdon
  22. Quick throw Frantz a gay parade.
  23. If you special then yes..
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