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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. That is the first Boy Band EVER...to be outta the closet.
  2. Morton Is it some variant of the AR-M9?
  3. Yes but it is a true story event. Everything you see in there has been backed up by Hugh Ambrose son of Steve Ambrose both famous historians. Hugh wrote a book called The Pacific that goes further in depth than the series. Yesterday when Phan and I went paintballing there was this 13 year old or so who was the last one standing on our team for a round of Revolutionary War against 9 on the other team. He pointed one guy out and then was annihilated but took it like a man.
  4. This has already been posted. Yes it's a good video but try and check next time gents. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...ic=3402&hl=
  5. I always smells like "Soap" that's what she always says.
  6. Ahhh another thing wrong with our already horribly bad educational system.
  7. Lewis Black is awesome.
  8. You are very welcome McCarthy.
  9. If you guys want or need a new graphics card thought I'd show you a link to this giveaway from newegg. http://promotions.newegg.com/NEemail/Apr-0...akes-_-Fermi-E0
  10. Zachow 1st MRB


    USMC just released this video of their new Assault Breach Vehicle. God damn that thing can blow shit up.
  11. Shame on you all. But McCarthy has a point.
  12. Jebus wanna be?
  13. Yeah I think in Wisconsin if the police see you not really paying attention then they can pull you over. I know we have the hands free law, but I heard somewhere that they are trying to get like some kind of device that would nullify texting in a vehicle like those cameras they install in teenagers cars.
  14. EWwwww.... shudders.
  15. Yeah I wouldn't go that far but all the female romances maybe.
  16. Milwaukee and Wisconsin Rivers are two different things with very different pollution levels.
  17. Now it is your Birthday... Happy Birthday!
  18. Lol around here McKenzie you know with all the pollution nothing could survive the Mil river was almost dead.
  19. Happy birthday.
  20. Epic fail it is tomorrow.
  21. Damn love the show this would be awesome.
  22. Ahhh the memories and OMG Collazo that is going right onto my ipod for a quick pick me up.
  23. Eventually you always have to wake up.
  24. Have you played the 2 player co-op that is where the stealth is supposed to be in this game the single player took a bit of a different turn.
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