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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. That was what I meant if anyone could fire it I would want to meet them. I haven't actually seen one in real life only in video games. I bet that would have nasty kickback as well.
  2. He was from the south. Not Canada but I don't really want to claim him as apart of our country.
  3. Heavy as shit I would like to meet the man who could fire it accurately while standing up. Weighs like 70lbs.
  4. I had country fried steak and eggs, Phan had the value slam, and Burk had the moons over mihammy. And actually the guns a little shorter than I am.
  5. Cool to the first vid WTF to the second.
  6. Me with Burks .50.
  7. Here is Burk and Phan trying to look at his computer. Dust cleaner + no circulation = good times.
  8. It made SC and as for retards watch out for their retard superstrength.
  9. You're running two bases aren't you? At 1:02 the expression is priceless. Wingate was right though you do look like a twig in this.
  10. Lol you don't remember 02 that isn't a good thing.
  11. It's just our nation rises these idiots up, they get paid way to much and but that is just our society being retarded but that's for all venues.
  12. That was just soooo ......
  13. Lawl more athletically prepared? Doubt it as for the team work the NFL is full of it just as much as any league but that's not what makes news.
  14. What the Fuck was that?
  15. I've worked with the hearing impaired before I am fairly sure that is where his "funny" voice comes from. Because they don't here normal speech they in turn do not speak normally. Still though at the end when he's like i just gotta get rid of these guys then closes the door.
  16. Lol ma Gooderham not pa. As for my grams after the surgery she was back to her cheery self and having a party with all her nurses and then started singing me happy birthday. Saturday is paintballing then Phans so shpuld be good.
  17. Thanks you two. I turned 19 in a hospital waiting room. My grandma's eye was hemorrhaging but that's done, but still have to see if it will work. So that's what my birthday is nothing fun just the hospital.
  18. WTF to the story. Were am I. As for whitebeard ahahaha so true. Although its not rape if he's willing.
  19. Soo true.
  20. When he whinnied I nearly shat myself.
  21. My guess they didn't reconcile.
  22. I knew Europe had a football league. Never knew Canada had one though.
  23. The original RS was in Transformers 2 but if I wanted to go cross country I would still take my Avenger.
  24. Ouch. That is cold.
  25. When I was 8 I was dragged to a Brittany Spears concert by my aunt and 3 cousins at Summerfest. I wondered off after 30 minutes and then when security found me I hung out with them for 2 hours until they found my aunt. I have been to Summerfest for 15 years in a row multiple times each year, so I have seen well over 100 concerts.
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