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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. Just keep in mind he's from Florida and thinks 50 degrees F is cold as shit. That sun will fry your brain.
  2. WTF? After I paused my steam download but my mom is still on her laptop so my internet is still the suck.
  3. They would charge you guys to see this that's just wrong. Sucks I don't have cable I'll have to wait for it to come out on blu-ray.
  4. It's funny for how many other things this clip is used for the ACR one is hilarious.
  5. It is made by the same people who did BoB.
  6. This makes Gay Pride look straight.
  7. Is Phan the noodle dreamer or fucker?
  8. Thank you 2Lt. Ford for being an asshole you made most of us better for it. As for Zahl EPIC WIN.
  9. You try to say that we are disrespectful? You had numerous sprays and sigs requested and finished in our QM office and then the next hour you would have them changed or completely replaced. You even had someone who just got done making you one try and "sharpen" up one of your own because he did a good job at it. These people have better things to do with their time. Sorry 1Lt. if I shouldn't have posted but that needed to be said.
  10. Who's who? I joke I joke.
  11. Yes Lawrence one or two piercings and tats is ok a bunch no and that chick doesn't have enough meat on her bones shes like a twig I'd snap her in half.
  12. Thanks Le didn't know why I didn't think of this.
  13. I was just wondering if there is anyway that you all know to get a .pdf onto a ipod touch or itunes?
  14. It's dangerous to cook in the nude man.
  15. Lol Warren your chick needs to get a bra you can see her nipple in all of those.
  16. Naw maybe more man than you but naw there's no adam's apple or scarring.
  17. Wow McDowell just ...I would pay to see Ford try to get with her she would probably destroy him.
  18. Sad that luger died.
  19. She's 6'8" so yeah you would G.
  20. Fox wins, Jolie has had to much work done on her face and it shows.
  21. I know right but still hot wonder what it would be like?
  22. Huge Bitch I'd like to climb her.
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