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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. ??!?!?!?!Steam Employees?!?!?!
  2. If I have to reinstall steam do I have to reinstall the games.
  3. I can get on the steam store and that's it. I can't change my avatar or access my friends tab. What do I do?
  4. Jenke found a proxy that gets you all the way to the video. http://www.gooftime.info/index.php?e=uniqu...ntpOjA7YjowO30=
  5. You look better as an American than a Candian.
  6. This is related to Phan's post.
  7. Phan's a perv. He needs a girlfriend bad
  8. If you go to sleep before it's fixed then you will get raped by my computer and then a monkey with AIDS.
  9. Janke- "I fixed your computer once it breaking down is like it cock slapping me."
  10. Crap now that the blue screen is fixed i got the blue screen and now my computer doesn't boot off of the hard drives and when I put in my boot disk it tries to reinstall vista and then it tells me that my 1tb is only 931.5GB. I've had this once before and it got fixed but I can't find the email.
  11. Diet Mountain Dew Code Red = PWNSAUCE
  12. SHE"S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Plus they took me less than 30 secs each.
  14. It's late and that is fucking awesome
  15. Name him eddy after fraiser.
  16. Yeah the first was awesome and I just hope the second isn't shit.
  17. Name: Shakespearean_destroya Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18311275 11:36 74 0 a Reasons for the Ban: Marsden told there was a racist in the pub. Since he said he wouldn't remember the steam ID I told him I would post it up for him.
  18. Blue screen of death. Took out the memory cards no go. Different reboot spots no go. Won't reboot but will turn on. Haven't put anything new into it.
  19. And just when I thought you couldn't get any gayer.
  20. Archery also and throwing tomahawks
  21. Paintball Football (until knee took me out) Does brawling count? Trumpet Cello
  22. When I turn on my computer it makes a loud buzzing noise for a few minutes then it will stop. It has anever done this before should I be worried?
  23. Parker I can't find that last part can you help?
  24. Drugs are bad mmmmmk
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