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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. Going for my ASN then by BSN. In case you didn't know that is a Associates then Bachelors in Science of Nursing. Possibly more down the road but I plan on working with flight for life programs or E.R.s. Yes haha I will be a male nurse.
  2. Park and me both nearly fell out of our chairs laughing at that.
  3. So which one are you Lawrence...jk. Creepy eye though.
  4. Something is wrong with that Eli kid not to be an ass but like mentally. And the 1st ones cadence wasn't on with the music.
  5. Actually the high court in England rules in favor of some writer for a autobiography or something supposedly so maybe.
  6. My arse how do we know they aren't one and the same?
  7. I don't think they mean a 0-60 from dead but with hot tires and high rpms yeah probably with that engine. And he bumped the wall a few times but any of us out there would be going mad slow or hitting EVERYTHING. And I have pulled a way cooler spin than he did in the water only mine wasn't voluntary black ice FTW.
  8. I like how he has a different leg not shoe for every occasion.
  9. Found this article of a true American soldier thought I would share it with you.
  10. Last night a bunch of us were watching UFC on youtube and this was one of the related videos. And Brewer you're right I'm to epic to be this fail.
  11. . This is exactly why I would never want to polevault.
  12. Lawl Ritchey and damn that man was hyperventilating and panicking like a motha fucka.
  13. GTX you mean?
  14. I told him I would shove the bursting bomb in his ears and he said I wasn't the right rank.
  15. That boss = a G.
  16. This is part of why dogs are better. If you tried to throw my dog in the trash you would be missing blood and skin.
  17. Next time anyone calls gamers pussies or wimps or anything along those lines just refer them to this guy. And since he worked for relic we know he made some good shit.
  18. "We don't know what we're doing, but the defense doesn't know that we don't know."
  19. He is getting pumped over his own facts that he is a treasurer. He needed to look what he got in college lol.
  20. Yeah he is a post count whore.
  21. *deGaulle has left the game.* Oh my god just about died laughing.
  22. is what nugz is talking about I think.
  23. I know how you are feeling in one year I lost 2 great uncles, 1 great aunt, and a grandfather to various cancers. I will keep your family in my prayers.
  24. What kind of pussy as dogs do you have that one kick would deter them from attacking or not? As for the training if they are trained properly they will only respond to the owner/handlers voice. I have a sheep dog that I barely trained and she will only listen to me and can take out a full grown male. And police dogs don't respond to english mostly dutch.
  25. So that makes you and well that's it. I never celebrate these halmark holidays.
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