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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. I like playing soccer, but can't stand watching it for both of the reasons in the videos. Soccer is full of wuss ass, faking drama queens and people with bad sportsmanship. I am not saying other sports don't have these things they all do but I can't think of any other to the extent of soccer.
  2. If this that's true then it is a said day for gaming downunder.
  3. Lol the new episode.
  4. United States (148) Norway (65)
  5. Wells why did you even find that video you englebait.
  6. All praise be to the machine-god. But really that is a big altar of "I don't know what a vagina looks like".
  7. Just had to unplug my external hard drives.
  8. United States (126) Canada (1) Norway (88)
  9. So I got my computer back today but when I try to install windows it tells me that there is insuficiant space to download it on. I have tried to reset my raid and made a new partition and format it but it didn't work. Does anyone have any ideas? I will be on vent aroumd 8:30 cst if anyone can help.
  10. Well they do work better than just a piece of olive drab or neon pink.
  11. This is what is wrong with our nations youth and our education system.
  12. I'm going to go turn the velocity all the way up on my paintball gun and shoot myself in the eyes.
  13. Naw epic song but let's hope they didn't traumatize that little kid.
  14. Tiger deserves to lose. And hard.
  15. For the area that I go the ACUs work pretty well. It is a rockier area with trees so it works.
  16. I don't look like that little twat face who doesn't know the first thing about love.
  17. I said I would post up pics when I got my new gear so here it is. It's a Tippmann x7 with 14" pathfinder barrel, and X36 mods. Sidearm is a Tippmann TPX
  18. Me in my new paintball gear.
  19. Take the bag of crack. Happy birthday.
  20. Yes it is slower and speed ball is not more intense you know what to expect every time but in woodsball you may not know where you are getting hit from or where the enemy even starts from. Plus there are a lot more scenarios that you can play. Plus woods are better than inside a 20x40ft box.
  21. That T.V. showed her what's good.
  22. .......................... just ..............................
  23. Yeah but that one is a rarer advanced version. But Nvidia is way better I love the EVGA precision display.
  24. Or Asus. Death to Asus.
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