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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. I've never been the kind to kill everyone in their path when you don't really need to or like be mean I don't know why.
  2. If you are looking for discipline and a little clarity in your life any branch is a great place to go not to mention life lessons and the financial benefits.
  3. Yep I have one they are nice and I think read dvds better.
  4. This is going to be us when we are and our dogs
  5. Didn't see the / part now if only it didn't try to run in Russian.
  6. This is a great game and goes great with the 1st story if you already have the saved files you transfer the character. Another great thing is that even after the game has come out they have come out with great downloadable content most of which is free. They put in 2 new team mates with extra missions and gear for your character most recently today. Then they came out with a handful extra missions and new tank driving missions.
  7. What the Windows 7 64 has the Vista 64 in it?
  8. GTX are pwnsauce. I love my 360's
  9. Sucks no vista 64 bit.
  10. Which type of 480 there are like 3 different types of both.
  11. Wow................
  12. Yay this is the third time I've said it.
  13. Digitally scanned means nothing you can alter them on it the DMV won't even take the copies. As for the people that verified it they could be biased but even if he was born here doesn't change the fact he is a horrible leader.
  14. How am I gay you're the one who proposition men.
  15. It's fake it has a orange cap at the end.
  16. Of course Does make me gay?
  17. She's adorable, but if that guy in the rocker is her grandfather he looks like the old guy on lost.
  18. Wow you could find less bullshit on a dairy farm.
  19. Shame you can't even spell his name right and it's right there.
  20. That is so gonna be Phan's girl one day.
  21. Now this man does need to get a life but holy crap did she go off on him.
  22. That shows one of the main reasons I don't like speedball as much because most of the time it's just who can sling the most paint the fastest. If you are watching they just point and don't ever let up on the trigger. In woodsball that style would just get you pegged hard and fast because with the dense woods you wouldn't hit jack shit.
  23. Congratz and good luck with the future boy hunting. May I suggest putting this on your lawn along with a few mines under her window.
  24. Yes extremely so first because your trying to molest a man and wearing a dress. Second because that is the gayest song after anything by Justin Beiber. Does this song make me gay?
  25. He didn't molest that remote he made it molest him.
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