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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. To much ammo and yeah the chemical taste would be bad.
  2. Nice set up but I would take a Bluray/dvd drive.
  3. I would have shat my pants or dropped fast.
  4. They always did say the "South would rise again!"
  5. Yay it's your birthday.
  6. Lol where to begin with the flaws. A single Captain and a medic vs that many SS. No. 2. A medic with a sniper rifle a poorly built one at that. And why did everyone have a AK-47.
  7. You don't have to get all of the CoHs you just have to get the latest one because it has everything. Years later we still play it often enough. And nearly everyone in the unit has it.
  8. What or who is red.
  9. This I would love to see Kevin's big ass paintballing in the woods. Bet you are easy to find you're a little to big to be stealthy.
  10. Merchandise how shameful. P.S. I love the thong.
  11. What's wit the evil grin G?
  12. Happy day of thy birth.
  13. Yeah at promised land there is this like 30 foot hill/ cliff that they use for a base and the first time I was there I took a path that ends in a 30 foot like 80 degree angle and I ran down it and I have no clue how I managed to stay on my feet.
  14. Leinenkugel is some good stuff most of their stuff is. Been to their brewery. Milwuakee is named for beer and if you go into that district all you can smell is hops and yeast.
  15. Ask Pfc. Burk he was there 2 years.
  16. Yeah I'm getting the x7/36. You know you love paintballing when you nearly shatter your left foot in the woods length wise, finish out the game, play another one. Even after my foot got so big I couldn't fit into the shoe or walk I had my friends carry me into the firing range and finish off my hopper. Or in speedball I took down a ply wood house slipping into it.
  17. Wow that one of Parker, Ford posted was just creepy. Holy crap I remember that from like 3 years ago.
  18. Don't get anything refurbished. Try not to have anything prebuilt if you can help it, I learned the hard way out 1,900 for the mean time. Although I now know how to build and take about a computer.
  19. United States (107) Canada (16) Norway (92)
  20. This is the one fine example of our governments fine soldiers at work.
  21. Our state has the same little saying about waiting for the change in waiting. And that was so funny Spear I forgot to laugh.
  22. How many of you out there go paintballing or own your own paintball gun. I know I do and for my birthday I'll be getting a x7, I'll post pics when it arrives. If you do where do you play and what style or games?
  23. He means fagot fetish but we are getting off topic here.
  24. I'm a diabetic which is very hard to get insurance for. I will also be going into the health care field. The plan that Obama wants to put into place will reduce the quality of our health care. The people who need this program the most are the ones who try to scam the system and don't really work. I know this because I have seen and know the people who are for this program.
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