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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. So I was looking for a new keyboard and I found these. Razor and Disney have combined to make a Tron set. Trippiest thing is the mouse pad lights up. Tron
  2. Straight up hax will take pal pay cash to cut off his index fingers.
  3. That girl let go and sort of pushed herself off if you look. And lawl Ritchey.
  4. The best part was the smart chick and then the NOT smart chick. Wow I bet at my highschool even the female teachers would sign it.
  5. If this building ever does go up I will put my money on someone burning it and the FDNY will not put it out.
  6. Lol I see this all the time on my Facebook. I personally find it like a daily mind exercise.
  7. That's just another Space Marine Chapter just a different type of one. The are all partially psychic and they work closely with the inquisition.
  8. Just the main pilot not any of his little helper friends are and that's only for the larger titans. They are put into like a tank and then into the titan.
  9. Fuck being from the south I want that 50 cal towed by a ATV.
  10. I don't think I would want to get a tattoo from around here they are all dirty. I know someone who went to a parlor and still contracted something and died.
  11. That would just be horrible like duck and cover. Or 4D where the cinema splashes you at the end.
  12. Actually the minimum is 1 but for optimal it takes 3 but the bigger the titan the more people and this doesn't include engineers. And the closest thing to a mech other than titans are sentinals. I own all of the books except some of the imperial guard ones, the table top, and all pc games except the tao one.
  13. As for any religious housing I don't care where it is there already are two mosques there. But the day some asshat says something applying to the sheria law around here is the day you hear about a muslim getting their ass beat here.
  14. They aint mechs bitch they TITANS warhound class.
  15. Oh My God. This is AWESOME.
  16. Now the two of you are just post whoring.
  17. Can't donate blood. Can't be drafted as front line infantry. Diabetes really gets you out of a lot of things. But as for needles people who see me take shots call me an addict or freak out. "How can you do that?" Well it's simple I do it or I die slowly and painfully.
  18. See you all don't know how to speak McDowell what he really said was "I spent that much on my mommy's B-day gift not games McKenzie."
  19. I've never wasted my time with these guys cause if they don't take themselves seriously why should I? But they still suck asshole.
  20. The best thing to do to dispell your fear of heights is to jump off of a 2 story building. I'm not trying to make fun or suggest something stupid (yes I know). But when I was little that's what we did for fun at daycare is jump off of buildings or at my lake property that's all we did and I have no fear of heights.
  22. Naw I'm to ninja for that shit the other Mc got hit 4 times when I didn't get hit once and we were 5 feet away.
  23. Heroic Patriot
  24. You can hear it is the drawl and the one guy just looks like a bum.
  25. Worsham your video has people from the south and crazies that's why they are making us look stupid.
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