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Zachow 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zachow 1st MRB

  1. Always protect the
  2. Go what? He did nothing.
  3. Yes come back to the paint slinging fun having side.
  4. Lol I didn't realize that they made others do that. It was to long to put up on Youtube but I've shortened it but it still is raw footage alot of my boot and ground best if you just watch the highlights. Test Footage now you can enjoy it on Youtube.
  5. This is just turning into a flame war. CLOSED
  6. No jest just saying you CAN become that is a key word meaning it is possible not that they all are like you are saying I am stating.
  7. Test Footage from the first time out with my camera case. It needs some mods so that I can turn it on and off and rec without taking the case on and off. Yes Burk did practically pass out from going up a hill. Yes a lot of it is of the ground but this was my first time using it, I will get better. Highlights at 1:45 and 6:05.
  8. to paintballing.
  9. What study? I was just pointing out one experience which almost all of you have done yourselves.
  10. What Goodwin has just said is one of the few things said here that is 100% true. As for weed smokers you can become very forgetful. I made a friend of mine stop for a month and her grades went up by a whole letter grade no difference in anything else. And she said herself she could remember more.
  11. Best line like the UN but you can't use your hands.
  12. So on one hand they were trying to make sure that Obama got into power, but on the other hand they were in public yelling at a black man for having a white wife. Does that make any sense I know one of the top reasons he won was his race (if you deny this you don't talk to many black people) and they wanted him but hate mixed marriages.
  13. This is the reason for stereotypes.
  14. Yay you are a year closer to 21!
  15. Happy birthday you bum.
  16. So are you the one on the right or the left?
  17. Lol I hope you don't keep it gased up all the time.
  18. If this would have been one of my grandma's grandkids she would have gone nuke on their ass. In my family none of my aunts spank so all my cousins are like this so my grams tells me to hit them cause she can't anymore and my aunts don't do shit cause they know she's right.
  19. Name: BëÅzℓe Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3076100 09:13 116 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Suspected hacking when I went to spec to demo him he started sucking. Then he started to disrespect 1st members I warned him not to he told me to suck it and left. Recomended duration of ban: Permenant Demo Provided?: No
  20. Trust me Phan looks nothing like that This is what he will look like.
  21. Before I read that about him getting fired I wouldn't have known that the guy even worked there or even worked in the industry. By trying to fire him they definately just fucked themselves in the ass.
  22. Show won't be the same without him he was great and funny.
  23. More of this to come with McKenzie getting shot in the groin on the 10th.
  24. This is the adventures of us Wisconsin players at night. Burk caught him Burk, Phan, Ollhof, and me (the cameraman)
  25. Don't ever buy from Action Village they are the epic fail. They told me that the barrel I bought fits ALL, but it didn't on the stock shroud. Called them they were ass hats. Called the manufacturer and they were like unscrew it and take out this ring. Now it fits perfect.
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