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About Steiner

  • Birthday 04/10/1989

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Forum Amateur (13/91)



  1. Duly noted, sir.
  2. I take that back, i'm available whenever.
  3. We need more peeps for a draft anyway as it makes it more challenging. As long as we keep it for 9:45 PM ET i am good on anyday.
  4. As always, i'm down. Even though i always choke in the post season My team is still enrolled in the league from last year.
  5. Also, i can't remember but is our league based on ppr scoring or standard scoring? Just so i know how to draft.
  6. Perfect, you landed it on the one day of the weekend where i am not drafting in another league. Good luck, all!
  7. A group of people with a minority religion in Iraq who are running from ISIS made it's way up a mile high mountain and are camping there with no more food or water to consume. ISIS left them two choices, come down from the mountain and face slaughter or die atop the mountain of thirst. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/iraqi-...2064_story.html Unfuckingreal.
  8. Although i am not MRB or BAR, i took part last year. So here is my email in case everyone ends up being welcome. thenaturaldisaster001@gmail.com
  9. I love how the Oilers always end up signing and overpaying the fringe NHL players.
  10. ......What a guy
  11. That Argentina defence scares me. The Dutch who are arguably the tournaments best offensive team couldn't get their first shot on target until late in the second half. For that Sunday game, im already having flashbacks to EURO 2012 against Italy.
  12. lol It's always the Italians that get abused like this from the opposing team at the World Cup. Materazzi get's headbutted in the chest by Zidane in 2006, and now this.
  13. At least Bosnia and that traitorous Canadian Asmir Begovic are out. Bails on the country that gave him the opportunity and developed him. I've got no tolerance for that type.
  14. I still wasn't very content with our performance. The scoreline is fooling alot of people. We got lucky that the reff was barraging Portugal with soft calls. I feel for their fans a bit. When that happens to you in game, you self destruct. That's what happened to Portugal. They held up against us pretty well with 10 men, possession was pretty even and they outshot us by one. They will come out guns blazing against the US. I still expect them to make it through.
  15. Wow, Spain's system is having problems. They will bring back the False 9 in their next match so expect them to rebound. As for The Netherlands, I guess Van Der Vaart not playing is the best thing that happened to them.
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