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Friloux last won the day on December 19 2019

Friloux had the most liked content!

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    M1 Garand

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  1. Thos are some hot mf headshots Barry!
  2. Ay wulgaert! Don't worry about the English, I suck at it and it's my native lol. That is indeed a cute dog.
  3. I was wondering why you weren't dominating everyone on the server lol.
  4. Ay nice taste
  5. Thank you for your valiant contribution Technical Sergeant.
  6. Yeah man dw, I know its frustrating, but you got this.
  7. Stop having a seizure and fill out the form correctly. This does not help your case.
  8. I am incredibly sorry, but it seems the demo crashes. I've looked into it, and it seems the 1stMRB server has known issues regarding demo recording. What I can vouch for is the tking spree and the racial slurs. At one point, when threatened with a ban because of the use of these slurs, he spammed them as a response. Hopefully this demo bug can be fixed soon, because we should have more proof than this. It seems to only occur on our server.
  9. Thank you so much, I did not know we had to have the steam ID. I will post the demo along with this thread.
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