Dr. Fysh U:1:29434441
JerryGarciaBear U:1:1485332680
Both players talk NON-STOP through every map the entire time they are playing. I can only call Goose so many times to take care of this issue.
JerryGarciaBear actually had about four different conversations with four different players the other night. Two other players were then constantly yelling for them to shut up and telling
them to get on Discord to have their conversations. This just added to the turmoil.
Just know both these players went in depth as to how women's pubic hair history of style. This is not the place for this vulgarity. When I just left they were discussing Jersey accents and why
Florida does not have a decent hoagie sandwich. You actually had an Admin the other night ask them to stop with non-game conversations an THEN joined in their conversation and kept it going!
Other Admin simply do not do anything. There is nothing more pleasant than having non-stop mostly stupid discussions or having two or three players trying to talk over each other.
If mic spamming is no longer a rule than please remove it from the list.
I hope the response I get isn't "go play somewhere else" or 'just mute them" because this does not fix the problem.
Sorry for the rant - I just have had limit with this.