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Fielding 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Fielding 1st MRB

  1. Looked into his tk's gave him a timeout for 2 days
  2. Awesome read fellas! Great work from all in the news staff!
  3. Name: Miata-Kun Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:435054812 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism & Team Killing Demo Provided?: No but Goose was there as well Comments: Player was intentionally tking and got warned came back and dropped the N word while addressing some "campers"
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  4. Muthas: What state has that fuckin silver bean in it? Pitteway: Are you talking about Chicago? Muthas: Yeah fuckin Chicago Pitteway: Chicago isn't a state
  5. Great read Media Staff! Fantastic Job as always!
  6. Name: WiggleyMcream Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:548895587 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist comments, joined the server proceeded to drop the N bomb in rapid succession. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Yoder and Holquist present
  7. Quotes from Drinking Quest that were remembered :Multiple. Pitteway: wait its 2? Fielding: ye Pitteway: Okay so 4+2 is uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Def not 5 Fielding: Its 6 Martinez: How drunk are you? Pitteway yeah see. Samuels: Thats my kitty Pitteway guest: Thats a nice pussy (cat) Samuels: oh thank you PITTEWAY: I WANNA SEE SAMUELS HAIRY PUSSY Samuels: Fielding show us your Tattoos Fielding shows Pitteway guest:Nice Samuels: HOLY FUCK FIELDINGS JACKED Samuels: But no homo Pitteway: Dies Martinez: Where did pitteway go? Pitteway I'm right here mofo Fielding he turned off his camera... HES GETTING A BLOWIE Pitteway: Silence Martinez: Turn your camera on Mottola: I wanna see Pitteway Okay I will (proceeds to show his area) Pitteway: SEE I"M WEARING PANTS HOW CAN I GET A BLOWIE WEARING PANTS?! Samuels: Goes to throw up Pitteway I hope I didn't kill our CO, people will be real mad, wait did u actually puke? Samuels: No I Aint a bitch I came back with beer and water Pitteway: Hats off to marty for putting up with the drunk retards Martinez: I always do even when youre not drinking youre drinking and sometimes retarded Pitteway and Fielding: Fair Point Samuels: I feel his brain working, hes considering it Fielding: Whos turn is it? Martinez Pitteway Pitteway is it my turn? (pulls card and just silence) Fielding he forgot how to read Martinez thats exactly what happened Pitteway yeah not gonna lie i'm dumb Fielding: Pitteway gets credit for destroying samuels, well done Pitteway: Oh fuck yeah bud big taken Pitteway: I'm not even that drunk Fielding: You forget how to play the game every turn Pitteway: I didn't forget shit homie, what do I gotta do again?
  8. Name: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:764024972, [U:1:1528049945] Reasons for the Ban: Mass tk's and ban avoidance. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week - perm Demo Provided?: Player joined up started mass tking, 1stLt. J. Samuels attempted remote and ultimately failed, Pfc. R. Smith came in to repeat kick he has something that disconnects him from the steam client and remote ban and in game ban isn't working. Hopefully something can be done to solve that but for now this is here as a reminder to watch out for repeat incidents in server.
  9. Sitting in Discord with C. Logue, Belcher, Hansen and Muthas. Belchers streaming Fallout New Vegas and killing people and Muthas actively comments he "Gangstered" them. Logue: I'm gonna help you out with the Gangstering ( Plays Gangsters Paradise song ) Everyone: laughing and singing along Belcher: Oh man is that Ghetto Paradise? Logue: Its Gangsters Paradise you racist (Insert Logue Laugh) Belcher: Ohhhhh Everyone: Fucking dying
  10. Come out and join us Saturday night for some late night Realism Fun! PW will be posted in the 1st MRB Discord so make sure to join our Discord before hand!
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  11. Great read gentlemen, well done as always!
  12. Playing customs in the pub with Pitteway and Yoder. Pitteway: Votes up guys Marklywinter foyforest dust2 tiger changing map to foy forest Yoder: OH ITS THE FUCKIN BLUE ONE server: dies of laughter XD
  13. Myself Pitteway Harding Belcher and Martinez all playing drinking quest for Belchers Birthday. Belcher gives Martinez an item called the bitterness coin which makes you chug your drink and he doesn't give one but 3 and Martinez is drinking Tobasco Sauce instead of Alcohol. Belcher: You told me to suck it last round and I remembered. Martinez: Why me man why?! Belcher while you're at it take another. Silence....... Pitteway: Marty you good? Martinez: (choking and suffering and gasping) I need a glass of milk..... Everyone: Dies laughing. and repeating the milk
  14. Got too much chocolate as well, and Goose you are always welcome in these discussions as is the rest of BAR
  15. Just for fun Raiders what did Santa bring you for Christmas?
  16. Reminder! Tomorrow night we realism at 8pm. Keep an eye on Discord for announcements and the PW
  17. Texting MSgt. A. Pitteway while at work. Fielding: Yeah man just finishing up the Christmas show and I'll be on tonight after work. Pitteway: I will either be on, or passed out from tequila and cold medicine (I'm not drinking lean I'm just fucking sick lmao) Fielding: I'm putting that in the quote thread.
  18. Hey there everyone!!! Saturday Dec 23rd 2023 about 8pm EST Its time for Fielding's annual Holiday Realism! Come join us as we partake in some snowy map OPEN realism and holiday fuckery. Special thanks to MSgt. A. Pitteway and MSgt. S. Belcher for agreeing to come out and run admin for us. Looking forward to seeing you all there Raiders and friends!! Keep an eye on Discord for the announcement Saturday!
  19. Playing ready or not lastnight with Belcher Thibeault and Pitteway Proceed to get A rank on a mission Belcher: I think thats the best rank I ever got playing with you guys Fielding: We're not the best cops but sometimes we take it seriously and don't execute everyone Pitteway: Not our fault they gave the retards badges and automatic weapons Thibeault: Its like the Marines
  20. Name: Fielding Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:50384215 Date & Time of ban: February 10th 2023 Admin who banned you: WO. R. Martinez [1st MRB] Reason we should Unban: I miss this community, I miss my friends and the people who were apart of my everyday life for the last few years. Unfortunately due to actions preformed by myself they led to a dishonorable discharge from the 1st MRB. It has haunted me since, and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the community as a whole, the command staff as well as my friends both unit members and BAR and pubbers alike. Some were aware, others were not of a very difficult time in my life, I lost my first child, as well as the relationship before it and for a long time I felt my life was falling apart around me. I chose a very poor way to cope through this time abusing drugs, anti depressants and alcohol on a daily and nightly basis which both numbed me and also turned me into someone I am not. Essentially taking Gizmo and tossing him in a bathtub if you will. Now be it as it may I was going through crisis and trauma it does not excuse my actions or display of character as well as the negative light I allowed to to be shined on the unit as a member of the command staff at the time. However, what's done is done and since having been removed as an officer and memeber I have taken the last few months to attend a facility and therapy and to get my head straight. Its been a painful year, and its been painful being away from the community and friends who were a major part of my life and I would like to come back and be able to play with you all. Thank you. Fielding
  21. Name: [DeadMenÄ°nPlaid]srg gube Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:757147582 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Massive Tk -40 Comments: Player impersonated BAR member S1lentScope got to -10 on the TK and was kicked and then rejoined under this name and started TKing again. http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/333623
  22. Name:Ichat ban 2k behavior dog Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:37320377 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racism Comments: http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/chat/dods
  23. Player has been permanently banned from the server
  24. Name: Azilla [9.FJ] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:39829643 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Not following orders and tking during an open realism, topped it off with some racial comments issued ban. Demo Provided?: No
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