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Fielding 1st MRB

Technical Sergeant
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Everything posted by Fielding 1st MRB

  1. Fantastic read for spring! Nicely done to everyone on the Newsletter Staff, looking forward to the next one!
  2. Waiting for my Keysmart and new knife to arrive be like
  3. Player has been banned for 8 hours
  4. Love the Viking coin
  5. Name: dingus Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8793201 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team killing/threats and insults in pub Demo Provided?: Chatlogs Comments: Was contacted by a pubber this player was saying some hateful things and tking people and just being a general troll. I banned player remotely noticed he had 3 previous bans with a note stating his next was a perma.
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  6. Recently starting rewatching death note and this gem popped up
  7. Nicely done Logue! Thank you very much for your work, happy to see some new guys in the video technician office! Keep up the good work.
  8. Name: YouTube* Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:518726818 Recommended Duration of Silence: Permanent Reasons for the Silence: Player has repeatedly joined the server with the intent to and display toxic behavior as well as a disregard for our server rules and pubbers well being. Witnesses present?: Myself as well as a few pubbers I've received complaints from. Comments: This is the same person who made the complaint in our public chat the other night but when investigated turned out to be the instigator, after continued verbal abuse as well as though chat towards pubbers and further complaints received I had silenced him until a ban is warranted.
  9. Name: 0r@ng3 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14029828 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Multihack Demo Provided?: Yes Wilson will upload. Comments: Had reports of player with no recoil. Wilson, myself and Collette all looked into it and watched him based on Wilsons demo determined was using some sort of recoil/multihack
  10. Player has been banned for a week. As of now there is nothing in the chat logs with any racist comments however I do see the team killing and complaints of team wounding. Will look into further.
  11. I also think as shes supposed to be a patrol boat they're not sending into any high stakes naval battles but I do hope you're right and we start pumping out some ships with actual firepower
  12. Budget cuts I guess. I think the ice breaking part is pretty neat because really not a whole lot going on up there besides that lmao
  13. Still better than the Moose with the mounted c7 we had before XD
  14. Looking at both of your collections I've been debating seriously upping my carry game. The other thing to it is I am too lazy to change over wallets and things day to day. But I really love your pocket organizer deal Cain
  15. Few new things I've been watching on Netflix. Superstore - Good background fun about some people who work in a Superstore Reckoning - Murder drama involving a school teacher and a detective Pacific Rim -The Black discount Gundam but with monsters The Last Kingdom - Kingdom defending against some Norse invaders, basically Vikings
  16. Player has been banned
  17. Player has been banned
  18. Name: ϟERVUϟ Eϟ† CHRIϟ†I Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:69015407 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist remark Demo Provided?: No Comments: Player made a comment related to camping using the N word
  19. Topic Closed. Sturm, Markly Winter, Churchyard vigilance, harrington, Santos, Strand, Foy
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