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Everything posted by Tryba

  1. To get these commands to run every time automatically, follow the following: 1. Go to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\alien swarm\swarm\cfg 2. Add a new note from notepad called "autoexec.cfg" 3. In the notepad type the config commands you want to run for every level such as: asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement asw_fast_reload_under_marine 1 asw_camera_shake 0
  2. so we all agree on Intel's i7 quad core processor, but on what motherboard? anybody have any good or bad experiences with any of them? is ASUS okay or should I go with something else?
  3. Hey guys, as part of my new job I have been asked to design an amazing gaming PC from the ground up. What I want to know is what would you put in your Ultimate Gaming Machine and why? This includes everything form motherboard to RAM and NCI. Please post your Ultimate Gaming Machine stats in this forum topic. Your input is much appreciated.
  4. MAN THAT IS NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had to walk away from my computer a few times when watching the video cause DAMN I HATE SPIDERS!
  5. Tryba


    Well, I am in for sure =) going just have to decide on a class...
  6. What you guys don't know about me... if we went drinking I'd show you a good time with a few of my best sleights and amazing magic... YES I AM A MAGICIAN!... just kind of hard to use that skill in this unit. anyway i'd blow your drunk asses out of the water with a few tricks then steal your wallets when you arn't looking! But anyway, who would i go drinking with... Goodman: cause I've known him so long and would love to see him wasted. Phan: cause a drunk asian is a fun asian! Costa: he says enough funny random stuff sober, I am hoping it gets better with a little booze! Ford: need somebody to offset Costa's stupidity Parker: So we can laugh together when Costa gets his head stuck in the toilet while throwing up!
  7. Tryba


    I thought it looked pretty sweet. Don't know if my computer can handle it but if it can i'd love to join in. I'd play it as long as i had someone else to grind with b/c that is what it comes down to in those games... grinding...
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