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Scary 1st MRB

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Scary 1st MRB last won the day on August 7 2024

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About Scary 1st MRB

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Garand

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Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. I am having the same problem on multiple servers. I can see my spray, but no other sprays.
  2. @DoD:S Server Admin can we ban for a LOT of intentional TKing? Жека Камбоджа" [U:1:841330088] We do not need knuckleheads on our server. # userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state # 546 "Diesel Crew" [U:1:4238370] 09:57 47 0 active # 547 "( . Y . )Bettie Page" [U:1:176716] 09:57 52 0 active # 583 "lenwood_iv" [U:1:891550124] 01:18 66 0 active # 579 "NOVATO-POA-RS" [U:1:54595892] 04:43 159 0 active # 550 "red cross" [U:1:43376065] 09:57 58 0 active # 551 "Pfc. T. Scary [1st MRB]" [U:1:999177276] 09:57 49 0 active # 552 "LËNЧИK-ПONЧИK" [U:1:1589349329] 09:57 76 0 active # 553 "priest" [U:1:1761463] 09:57 82 20 active # 555 "wolfex11" [U:1:393258545] 09:56 99 0 active # 554 "Mikel Jorden" [U:1:472030557] 09:56 92 0 active # 556 "Fredo Santana" [U:1:99728775] 09:56 73 0 active # 557 "freetard ¦ вlϊтz" [U:1:35122983] 09:56 110 0 active # 560 "Magic Candy Wagon" [U:1:3188866] 09:56 133 0 active # 558 "AAMC4" [U:1:113312795] 09:56 102 0 active # 561 "Terry Schiavo Weed nomic/nosoun" [U:1:992477464] 09:56 114 0 active # 582 "ESCOBAR (el patron)" [U:1:393945517] 01:49 170 0 active # 562 "LEGEND.sniper.simon" [U:1:50993573] 09:56 125 0 active # 565 "[mss] Gu§tAVoツ" [U:1:42050511] 09:56 145 0 active # 563 "Medusa" [U:1:4783073] 09:56 105 0 active # 578 "Zero Apologies" [U:1:54822114] 06:26 89 0 active # 584 "JoJo Rabb!t" [U:1:17456399] 01:08 108 0 active # 567 "S.P.A.R.T.A" [U:1:1047754854] 09:56 159 0 active # 568 "Bingoringo" [U:1:20362105] 09:56 169 0 active # 569 "Luexri" [U:1:138751676] 09:56 184 0 active # 570 "Жека Камбоджа" [U:1:841330088] 09:56 178 0 active # 571 "Ya Haaaaaaaaa" [U:1:27637589] 09:56 131 0 active # 572 "sami_s3030" [U:1:82684640] 09:56 183 0 active # 573 "mistratnailo fr" [U:1:66430475] 09:56 140 0 active # 574 "Dat55" [U:1:51916175] 09:45 152 0 active # 585 "ñ." [U:1:411621165] 01:07 214 0 active # 576 "(LOBO)" [U:1:1568903640] 08:28 168 0 active
  3. FYI, although Steam says that Hell Let Loose is a Windows game, I was able to download it and play it on Linux Mint!
  4. Name: North Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:87277055 Reasons for the Ban: 24 TKs Recommended duration of ban: PERMANENT Demo Provided?: Y mike.dem
  5. Name: Mike Amiri Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:84854246 Reasons for the Ban: 28 TKs Recommended duration of ban: PERMANENT Demo Provided?: Y mike.dem
  6. Name: monkeyfacee! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:28243187 U:1:56486374 Reasons for the Ban: TK'ing over a dozen Recommended duration of ban: 1 month - Permanent Demo Provided?: N DATE & TIME 9/5/2020 1:30 pm (EST) Can be confirmed from other players in game during incidents: # userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state # 37 "joe" [U:1:386808924] 55:23 80 0 active # 78 "Sgt. Jake McNiece" [U:1:35681604] 01:14 47 0 active # 77 "Hstgf.Lumpi [3te PGD][A]" [U:1:32833674] 04:43 134 0 active # 70 "monkeyfacee!" [U:1:56486374] 16:47 156 0 active # 65 "TheScaryGuy" [U:1:999177276] 25:44 46 0 active # 44 "xliu30" [U:1:66735799] 43:29 35 0 active # 53 "MaddSicilian" [U:1:1096917633] 37:21 71 0 active # 49 "Scarry Larry" [U:1:97798632] 38:55 66 0 active # 60 "dsrg" [U:1:2144741] 30:24 141 0 active # 50 "Ninhu" [U:1:184513197] 38:54 181 0 active # 64 "flobbs ™®©" [U:1:71639302] 27:05 74 0 active # 75 "Pasty_Gangsta" [U:1:68276177] 12:01 113 0 active # 73 "BIC" [U:1:921867902] 12:54 126 0 active # 72 "Avatar Aang" [U:1:52704194] 15:58 137 0 active
  7. Here is more info on this loser: STEAM_0:1:99068061 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198158401851/
  8. 12/31/19 2:41 PM EST gamecube456 TK'd probably close to 100 times... probably more. Many players left because of the idiot's behavior. His (?) STEAM ID is: U:1:198136123 I recorded a demo of what he did. gamecube546-1.dem
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