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R. Smith 1st MRB

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R. Smith 1st MRB last won the day on February 27 2023

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  1. Name: Congo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:581097409 Reasons he just keyed up voice and just started yellin the N word Duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: No Comments:
  2. Name: Apocalypse_Now Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:576164922 Reasons He was talking politics i told him to stop couple of times. Then he decides to drop the N word. Duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: No Comments: Ret. D. pilon was present.
  3. Name: XFieldranger99<th> Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:758570955 Reasons for the Ban: this guy is part of DDOS the server. he came in and said over voice chat you wont to see somthing! started to DDOS. R. Smith kick him DDOS stop! he came back and the DDOS started right up then R. Smith banned him for a week. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N
  4. Name: XICO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:190761501 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: aim bot 0 recoil Demo Provided?: Y https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU8LMaEu6nFO0aCm/d1337CbqEU0N?invite=cr-MSxuUGgsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU8LMaEu6nFO0aCm/d1337CbqEU0N?invite=cr-MSxuUGgsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU8LMaEu6nFO0aCm/d1337CbqEU0N?invite=cr-MSxuUGgsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU8AqdUs-nc2uyVq/d1337712Vcah?invite=cr-MSxTa1UsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU8AqdUs-nc2uyVq/d1337AoOSJys?invite=cr-MSwwTmQsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU76sbKrvHcfTTYv/d1337v3ovFE3?invite=cr-MSxaS1gsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU6CVU1onYx0Dz-y/d1337qxhtjMC?invite=cr-MSxrT1QsMjE2NjQwNjU2LA https://medal.tv/games/day-of-defeat-source/clips/ifU49EwaFZRPQK__q/d1337SmyJgWR?invite=cr-MSxXU2osMjE2NjQwNjU2LA Comments: This was brought to me by Pfc. X. Hocker and did the demos i also witness XICO do the same.
  5. Name: merkaba, qatriot Steam: STEAM_0:0:38680, STEAM_0:1:18204247 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: those two had multiple warnings about there language. merkaba saying the word F****T. Then gatriot just drops the N word. Demo Provided?: N
  6. Name: Rewarder, Oldhead_Shadow_Groyper, big_eddie1968@yahoo.com Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47582154, STEAM_0:0:420263991, STEAM_0:1:52718643 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: keep saying the N word Demo Provided?: N Comments:
  7. Zorro Thanks bro happy Holidays to you!
  8. Name: mhamed boukchi Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:197880606 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: N Comments: I thought i did a demo but failed but here gameme http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/player_histories/sessions/341273
  9. To old for this shit. Too many expensive hobbies. But anyways always for lookout for anther hobbie to dive into. Does anyone have a broom handle laying around? LoL.
  10. Name: Malleus Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:952731 Reasons for the Ban: he has 5 bans. and nothin but TKing or spaming mic or Ignoring Admins. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N
  11. You constantly break the English speaking rule and failed to lisen to the warnings. And on top of that you get other pubbers to speak Portuguese/Brazil then the server is none stop of that. The issue is too that when you get muted you message everyone in the unit and tell lies what you did not do. I have got one too from you in discord.
  12. Name: YourFriend๊ Steam I.D: U:1:1265925391 Reasons for the Ban: This guy has been unperma banned with inappropriate name. Then re-issued a day ban for tking. Plus last part of name is link with same guy we been havin issues with hacks tks list goes on. That little symbol at the end of the name is on alot of perma bans. Same guy. Recommended duration of ban: permma ban. Demo Provided?: N
  13. Name: ]||[ SPQR || MARTIMAX ]||[ Steam I.D: U:1:401234543 Reasons for the Ban: Team killing, set up the MG in spawn and let it rip in spawn killin alot of team mates. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day or what ever MP thinks Demo Provided?: N
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