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R. Smith 1st MRB

Private First Class
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Everything posted by R. Smith 1st MRB

  1. You guys got any brands of chairs you like? And build like a tank and for fat ass to sit in so will not break easy. Been lookin at Secretlab TITAN XL. What you guys think or any ideas?
  2. When i in bio it sees both hard drives butt it will load it in. When i select the thumb drive it restarts like it goin to do it but goes right to bios. Even tho it says start from thumb drive. It the odd thing. It says 512 gig free on my windows drives planty of room.
  3. It will not install windows it see it i tell it to boot off that. Butt just goes right in bios spent hours on it and nothing.
  4. Turns on butt only goes in bios nothing else everthing i tryed does not work. Youtube lol it has the covid. LoL joking butt it my luck
  5. Oh ok then i will go for the 2nd intell if recommend it! Thanks major!
  6. Cool thanks Major. I am goin with the 1st intel build on the list! Now just can not wait till new build is up and runnin!
  7. I think it time for me to start a new PC build. Since i not a Computer whiz i need help with what should i get. What i do know is i wont to stick with intell processors or if some has a better idea. And as for video card thinkin of a Nivida 2080. I already have a full size tower and a 1200 watt Power supply. As for a budget about $1,000-1,200. thanks!
  8. Yeah i have the series 3 apple watch and it died. So i was debating the SE or the 6.
  9. Series 6 apple watch or an 5SE? I already have and cool iphone 11. so no stupid Droid or Android what ever called those other phones. LoL so witch one would u go for?
  10. Thats my 2020 toyota tacoma that i filed for lemon law. This truck is just junk!!!
  11. no google needed! i know alot about the Iowa class battleships.
  12. 1-BB-63 Missouri 2-BB-64 Wisconsin 3-BB-61 Iowa 4-BB-62 New Jersey
  13. WoW smarty pants! buts yes you are correct!
  14. what class of ship? whats the haul number? whats her name? how many of her class where built? not planed what year era was this pic takin WWII korea vietnam or 80s?
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