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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. Don't instigate these situations guys. Just present the facts and then let the command staff decide what is appropriate for the situation.
  2. Oh for sure Arms. You know if the KKK was out there intimidating black voters there would be major repercussions. That's how it should be with this too. Black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever you want to be called. If you're intimidating voters you should be punished to the fullest and your voting rights should be banished forever. But hey that's just me and I guess that to some people I'm a bad guy because I believe in equality. lol
  3. The only reason why I would say that the race could have been a factor is because the black panthers were targeting white people in Nov. of 2007. If they were doing other races such as Asians or Hispanics as well then I would say that no race play was involved. As for Obama being involved with race. I don't know. I've tried to look at it from every angle that I can look at it from. I hope there is something there that I don't know or an angle I am missing but from what I can tell right now it's discriminatory. Just a personal opinion on my part though.
  4. That's it there man. These black panthers were threatening and intimidating white voters out in Philly. They were arrested and were facing jail time for voter intimidation. Something that is not to be messed with I believe in the 14th Amendment. Could be mistaken though about the amendment. So Obama is sworn in to office and one of the very first things he does as president is pardon these bastards. Now the attorney general, Eric Holder, decides not to prosecute them either. He wont give a good reason as to why he isn't either. If you ask me Holder should resign over this. That's what happened. There are no other angles to look at really. My question now is does this constitute as reverse discrimination towards white people by the Obama Administration. Here you have blacks that are intimidating white voters and the Obama Administration pardons them and doesn't prosecute them. Is that discriminatory towards white peoples voting rights? IMO... yes.
  5. I don't know about you guys but hell I love that game more and more now than ever.
  6. lol that's not bad at all. That's actually a good idea.
  7. you forgot to get Thunder and I in my Titty Bar in that screen shot.
  8. Good lord. Yeah I never had anything like that. I had like NES with basic games like Super Mario, Mega Man, Spy Hunter, etc. Then I had N64 with more basic games like Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, Zelda, etc. Then I have a whole bunch of PC games that I'm not going to get in to because you guys can see what all I have pretty much. lol. Then I just bought a Wii for my son and have sports, resort, and mario kart on that. That's it though. Most my childhood I spent outside.
  9. wait did you own all of that? If so where in the hell did you get the $$$?
  10. The Major has updated the server now and you guys are good to play on it. Have fun ladies.
  11. The Major has updated the server and it is good to play on now. Enjoy ladies.
  12. Well said. It makes me fucking RAGE!
  13. "Ok here's the game. You have to think of a word or phrase that is supposed to be funny. Throw down your funny word or phrase then the next person can/should tell you if they laughed at it. So on and so forth to see how many funny things we can come up with. Note this isn't a joke thread. This is just words or phrases. I'll start." Get some variety. lol spice it up some ya know?
  14. This irritates me to no end. They're asking for a war and white people just continue to feed them more and more. They want to start saying crap like that then white people need to start beating some ass. If they don't like how things are then they're more than welcome to go back to where their ancestors came from.
  15. meh Rectal spew
  16. lol Weiner
  17. Obama-care "Republicans had indicated they were prepared to oppose him over comments he had made on rationing of medical care and other matters. Democrats wanted to avoid a nasty confirmation fight that could reopen the health care debate." "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care — the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open. And right now, we are doing it blindly." Here it comes folks. This is what the U.S. healthcare system is going to turn in to. More like selective care instead of health-care. People were saying this was going to happen before the health-care bill was even passed. All I can say to those in disbelief is I told you so.
  18. I have to agree with you Yama. Just too much.
  19. See if you were Engle and did that you probably would have went out and cut some bitches.
  20. Sorry if I get upset over things like this but Obama drives me insane and the pure ineptitude of like 60% of Americans irritates me. I get pretty fired up over it all. lol Damn you Kevin for bringing this up! hahahaha jk jk
  21. "He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel." Right from the article Have you seen that Obama wants to open up Silicone Valley to Russia? Do you remember Clinton with the Chinese and helping their kids minds? Clinton sold billions of dollars of secret tech to China to help "boost" their minds and improve the world. Clinton pretty initiated the boom you see in China today by industrializing them to no tomorrow. That's the kinds of things tech does. Obama wont say it out loud but a lot of people see right through him. How do you improve relations with the Muslims? Obama has no idea and in fact the only thing he knows how to do is buy and sell things with fictional money. He can't reason, he can't lead, he can't do anything and id sitting in the Oval Office thinking this job of his is nothing but a joke. You watch, Obama will "improve" relations by selling tech. I don't know if it will be for oil, money, peace in the middle east, or something else but it will happen since Obama doesn't know how to work with Muslims.
  22. Why should the US share technology that ultimately leads to more and more greater technology with nations who want our allie's dead? This move makes no sense and further proves that ol' Barry is retarded and can't do anything right.
  23. lol ass munch
  24. HAHAHA sphincter
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