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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. GMoney BAR

    HOI 3

    I don't know if anyone has this game to be honest
  2. United States (75) Canada (46) Norway (98)
  3. I don't play gay games. Oh that's right I went there
  4. ummm no e.
  5. United States (71) Canada (53) Norway (95)
  6. The A-Team (8) 62 Truck crew (Rescue Me) (20) Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp with Doc Holliday (Tombstone) (32)
  7. 5/10 Plane, maple leaf, question mark?
  8. GMoney BAR


    Even if it's the best game on the market right now and the sales record was shattered with it, I still refuse to pay that much for a game. Perhaps when it hits $30 or so I'll get it. $60 is a rip off.
  9. haha, not bad. Makes me think of Collazo.
  10. Well said my man
  11. omg. hahahahha
  12. yes we sit in spec, but we're still in the game helping out the rank unlike some. If we're in spec and online shoot a PM. We may not know that you're in there. I know I minimize my window so I usually don't see who's in there.
  13. Well we've all been working hard lately to get in the pub to help bring the rank up. Thank you to all those who have helped and will continue to help. In the past three days though everyone has been playing other games which is fine. Totally understandable that you will get tired of a game and need to play something else. Also though, the server rank has dropped by nearly 20 points. Lets start to get in the pub again. Lets all try to make a united effort this weekend and keep the server rank above 200. We've all done well so far, lets go beyond and push for more. Oh there still are no weapon restrictions until the 7th. Take advantage of it boys.
  14. Blame Canada. Question Mark?
  15. The question is phan are you going to put it somewhere so other pervs can see it too? lol
  16. Title Summer Overture - Artist Mozart??? Album: (Optional) From Requiem for a dream
  17. Well it's been about a week now and the server rank has shot up 20 spots from 239 to 219 now. It's beginning to rebound nicely. Keep it up guys. We're doing good.
  18. That's pretty much how I see it as well. Oh Zahl, it's 2 cents. lol
  19. Ok this is getting quite pathetic now. The server rank is now down to 231. It just keeps dropping and dropping and dropping. The efforts being made to fill the pub are still done by the same dozen or so people. We need more people to come in and play. When we try to fill the pub it is kinda like people are discouraged and don't really bother coming in. Lets get in there guys and fill the pub.
  20. Dude that game was so awesome. I never did beat Tyson though. I think that says something.
  21. You guys should be in every city..... YOU COULD KILL EVERYONE!
  22. fix your comp first collazo
  23. I didn't vote but right now if I had to guess I would say the Queens and the Donco's in the bowl. With the level they're playing it's insane to see it like that. However, Rex Grossom sucks ass and will choke early in the playoffs and Bret Farve is throwing about 35 passes a game and will wear his old arm out before the post season even begins. So who knows.
  24. The Yankees have single handedly ruined baseball
  25. hahahahhaha
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