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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. That's what I said too when I saw your sig. oh snap. I went there
  2. United States (71) Canada (60) Norway (88)
  3. United States (69) Canada (62) Norway (88)
  4. United States (68) Canada (63) Norway (88)
  5. United States (67) Canada (64) Norway (88)
  6. When I say I'm studying arabic that's what I mean. lols
  7. If this girl ever wants a boyfriend she should start believing in reincarnation and kill herself and hope she turns out better the next time.
  8. Title:Kids - Artist:MGMT Title:Requiem for a Dream - Artist:Clint Mansell Title:Feels Like Forever - Artist:Stone Sour Title:ZZYXZ - Artist:Stone Sour Title:Apache - Artist:Sugarhill Gang Title:Cottoneyed Joe - Artist:Scatman John This should get it started
  9. United States (66) Canada (65) Norway (88)
  10. Only if you feel like losing... again...
  11. Steam got back to me this morning so I'm back up and running. Perfect timing too might I add. woot woot!
  12. Ok so if you don't know by now, my steam account was hacked into and stolen from me. I contacted Steam twice about it now to ensure they're looking in to the situation. When I was looking around for any information at all on Steam I remembered how my account was hacked. There was a link that someone on my friends list sent to me to join a steam community. It looked legitimate and opened it up. The page that it pulled up was exactly like this one. So I logged in to check it out and I think that was when the hacker was able to get my account information. The hacker changed my name to SWAT. Go through your buddy lists and see if the name is in there. If so delete it. I don't want it spread to more people throughout the unit.
  13. The server rank is down to 203 now. In the past week the 1stMRB has already gotten three new recruits too I believe.
  14. Don't do it for my mom Callazo. You can have her anytime. Just like it the Patriot, DO IT FOR THE CAUSE! Woooooo Yeah! GO FOOTBALL!
  15. Yeah this is what I was talking about. It'll hold your game for you, but come game time it's up to your other cards and software.
  16. Not gonna help your case Marsden. lol At least you'll have it to use on your next computer once you get it.
  17. As many of you know we were able to get the pub rank up to 196 for two days. Just after one day of little activity it has dropped back down to 202. If you're not around then you're not around. If you're online and just don't want to play that's fine. Do what I do sometimes. I'm very busy between school and my son, but if I can play I'll play. If I'm too busy then I ask that you just come in the pub, join a team, and sit in spawn as a number. Have someone TK you every now and then just to restart any afk timers: even though it is in spectator only I believe. Just minimize your game and you can do whatever you need to then; however, once the map changes you'll need to get out of spawn again so just have someone on your friends list PM you when it changes. Pull up your game window, join a team, then minimize again and resume what you were doing. The Pub is at that teetering point where it will fill up easy once we can get approximately sixteen(16) people in there. People have the server on their friends list and will play with us. We just have to get things started. The contributions of all have been doing great so far and I think it's fair to say that there is going to be more great developments with the growth of this server and unit. Lets all join together and strive to bring this server into the top 150. There are weapon incentives in place by CWO Yamagata to help motivate the lower enlisted.
  18. Midget bromance perhaps?
  19. Tebow will be the first pick next NFL draft. Unless he somehow gets seriously injured this season. All he has to do is play mediocre and he gets picked first of 32 next year.
  20. For the last time Wingate, I'm not a Treky man. hahaha
  21. Don't scare Axle away now Zahl. lol
  22. WOOOO GO SOONERS!!!!!!
  23. I can't believe you've never heard of the bandwagon in hockey. Everyone likes the wings because they always do well. They jump on the bandwagon and it drives me nuts.
  24. You could always sell yourself on the corner. Works for me. lol
  25. wow Parker, you live a sad sheltered Canadian Life. I feel pity on you. HOLY SHELTERED CANADIANS BATMAN!
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