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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. yeah I should have it within the week.
  2. I'm so close to getting my Tiger I hope the soft wipe doesn't come right now. lol
  3. A Fucking Men
  4. Lamey and Lawrence you guys are both retarded. I don't know what it is with the obsession of non United States Citizens wanting to get involved with American politics. All you two ever see is things from the outside and actually have little or no idea of what actually happens within the nation and the amount of damage and harm they are doing. All these little fucks that come into the US and want to change our ways to fit their own ways are causing an enormous amount of strain on multiple spectrum's. I don't give a flying fuck if your girlfriend was from Cambodia or from the fucking North pole. It is by sitting back and doing nothing is when shit doesn't get done and when nations fall and crash into nothing: similarly to what Europe is now. Once was a great a powerful union a decade ago but now is nothing but a mere spineless gutless group of cowards that can't even run their own nations. Want to argue that point? Try to and all I have to say is Sharia law. I have news for those that have no idea what happens in Europe. Sharia law runs mos the nations out there and to prove so go back and look at immigration and political statistics just 25 years ago and look and see what has happened in the past 25 years and see how just sitting on your fucking thumbs gets you nowhere. I don't give a fuck if a Canadian sniper saved a platoon of American soldiers lives. He did his job as being a member of an allied nation. I don't give a fuck if the United States didn't come in and fight in a Cambodian civil war or genocide as you called it. It's not America's place to go fight in other peoples civil war. Especially in Cambodia. Why is the hell would we want to go back in there? There is nothing that comes out of there and the United States has no interest in it at all. It could fall into the ocean with Vietnam and nobody would blink and eye or think twice. The man in this video didn't sit on his thumbs and decided to do something about it since the government wouldn't. It's in our constitution that he can do so and it's called the fucking 2nd Amendment. So the next time you two bone headed fucks want to bring your non United States citizen politics into an United States political arena be prepared to get pounded in the ass by people that actually live in this nation and know what goes on in this nation.
  5. He doesn't hack at all. That is for sure. Scripting may be different but I know he doesn't hack.
  6. lol very nice
  7. I've always been sketchy of this guy. I've watched him a few times and it's my opinion that something isn't right. Perhaps, as a recommendation, that the officers can follow the same thing for Man In The Box. I pulled it from the post so here is how to follow it. "After starting the demo hit shift+f2 to open the demo play back tool. Pause the demo and open your console. Type sv_cheats 1 and hit enter. Then type r_drawothermodels 2 and hit enter. This way you can now see through walls just like he can and you can see him scope or put his xhair on models through walls. He pays for his cheat. This is why he is not being VAC banned because thats what buying hacks gets you. He is banned on SourceBans but unfortunately your server does not use this plugin. I do recommend it. Last, read the readme file included and simply enjoy watching."
  8. The best part of that video is when the gummy bear flicks her off. hahahhahaha I love it.
  9. oh well. They should be on the forums more then. If people debate the fact then tell them to go check the forums. This will be here.
  10. Happy Birthday chicken fucker!
  11. Just heard that the soft wipe is going to be sometime next week. So get ready to start all over boys.
  12. It doesn't matter what they were saying. The server rules clearly state that it is allowed and the post by Major Parker himself clearly reiterates the rules again since there are so many people who do not know the rules of the server.
  13. Hey admins, just a heads up I had to ban a couple of people from this clan [vS] for racism in the public server two nights ago. A whole bunch of others were there to give more details than what I saw but they were a problem. Just a heads up for the admins to keep an eye out for these [vS] goons.
  14. Again, you can move furniture in game
  15. You can move furniture in the game.
  16. they work for me and I even run with a altered HUD.
  17. Yes guys these rules need to be adhered to. All this you can't shoot in spawn is legit. It is ill-advised but if they hit someone when they're in spawn then they die anyways. For those of you that don't have a lot of admins on your friends list for people who spam or are racists then you can go here for a complete list of admins for both the 1stMRB and BAR. When there are promotions or retirements it will be altered as soon as possible.
  18. Yeah the cleric that is going to head this mosque is not a good guy at all. He's definitely something that should be deported for his craziness and if you ask me he's a risk to national security.
  20. People do think about this and people are mad at the government in NY and the President backing it. They have thought about it and they don't want it. If you watch any polls about the mosque built in NYC then you'll probably see something like 65% of Americans are against this mosque going in that location and 30% approve of the construction of the building; however, most Americans feel that Muslims should be able to build a mosque in NYC and practice their religion. The problem people have at hand with this mosque is the location and it just connects too much to what has been done in the past 10,000 years. If Muslims want to build a mosque down the road some or in another part of the city, that's fine, no biggy. The location and the fact that they want to open it on Sept. 11, 2011 and the head cleric for the mosque is a radical islam supporter and that our state department is funding this guy to go over into the middle east and arab world to fund raise for the construction of the mosque. All for what? To improve relations with radical islam conformists? I mean after all that is Obama's agenda. It is the change that he is bringing to America. After all he did appoint the former head of NASA to help the middle east with "space technology" to help improve their status in the world and their lower end education to their children.
  21. The thing that gets most people with the Shiria law is that it just happens over time. It happens so slow that it becomes a form of life for people that it takes over. It goes so long and then the people get tired of it and want to change it back but at that point it's just too late. Perfect example is Europe right now. They don't like what they have become and are trying to change it but the Shiria law is just too powerful now that little can be done to change it. It's a shame that our elected officials just want to toss away "American" ideology and be more like Europe.
  22. ummmm this is exactly what will happen to NY when that mosque goes up too. For the non-believers in this then they need to go back in history and read history books. It's been happening for 10,000 years. It hasn't stopped for that long and it wont stop now. Wake up Americans, the United States is turning into Europe being overrun by people that aren't of their own mentality.
  23. dafokgjbekjqnfklwdgf nln That's happy birthday is Collazonease
  24. Bitch I carried that or a SAW depending on the mission during dismounted operations in city/villages. I know what it's like to carry that plus 400 rounds of ammunition with it in a 130 degree heat. Man the fuck up and drive on.... Fucking Pussy. lol Just messing though about man up about it. Took me a while to get used to it but it just takes time. Oh, what do you think is in my avatar on steam? yeah that's a M240B preparing for a dismount op.
  25. After playing more tonight, 14 Aug, the lag seems to be fixed. The reg is better to a degree but still doesn't feel right. Not sure if there is something that is being missed or what not.
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