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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. I can talk to my guys to see if anyone is interested in it. I wouldn't mind typing it but boy with one arm it would take me a month to get it done. lol
  2. I'll give you $50 for a night of fun with me. lol It's not a real offer so don't get too excited you faggot. hahaha
  3. I took my pants off for you man. Halfway to a birthday suit. Happy Birthday guy.
  4. I don't hold it against Obama for having people hang out for a little bit, but he's also the President of the United States. Ok folks, we're doing the ceremony in here now. lol Whatever though, he was there instead of Arlington. I don't hold him getting people out of a thunderstorm. I hold it against him that he wasn't at Arlington. All I know why it was designed for a three day weekend Gooderham is because it's the government and the more three day weekends the better for gov't employees. lol
  5. Well congressmen and women don't have the right to change the constitution through amendments. Those are done primarily through the US Supreme Court more than anyone else. For instance, should the supreme court come down and say hey capital hill, you can't pass that legislation on the basis of an invasion of privacy or something else then bye bye Healthcare bill even if it is already law. Congressmen and women jobs are sworn to the constitution and when someone feels that they don't believe in the constitution, then technically they don't believe in their job since they are sworn to the constitution. Only makes sense for him to be impeached IMO.
  6. Oh it's huge Gooderham. The funny thing is that the holiday was started post the Civil War to help reunite the nation and it wasn't actually enacted as an official holiday until 1972 I believe. Congress just wanted a three day weekend because they're lazy. lol However, the meaning behind it is just huge. Millions and millions of people have died to uphold the constitution and the people who live under it and most American people realize the insane amount of sacrifice that was made. It's just one day out of 365 to honor those who have fallen. It's one day out of the year where people sit back and say thank you to people that have sacrificed everything so that they could stay here in the states and not have to worry about anything.
  7. Or the 18% of the nation.
  8. The debate on the constitution would be different if the United States wasn't the most free and powerful nation on earth. The constitution granted the people of the United States the ability to become so prosperous, so wealthy, so happy, so free, and it gave the United States the ability to become the most powerful, wealthy, and influential state the world has ever seen. That piece of paper has literally shaped the world in the last two hundred years. Then when people don't believe in it anymore and want all people to have the same things by control of an inept government, that's what we call socialism and beyond that is communism. There are a lot of people in the United States that still believe in the constitution even though they have no idea what it says. They start believing that they have certain rights that are not in the constitution. Sadly, this is the American greed that has been developed over decades of living with nearly everything you can imagine, peace, happiness, and prosperity: all of which are granted by the constitution. Now Americans want more and more like this bone head who feels that he is can do what he wants and not follow the constitution. The people on capital hill must continue to follow the constitution. If it is believed wrong then amendments are made to it, but it should not ever be totally redesigned. It's how the United States has gotten to where she is in all of history. The health care bill still does not give people health insurance by the government. It forces 40 million people to get health insurance with financial aid by the government. It's not a free ride for people like they think it will be. Also it is going to cost the tax payers, that can barely afford insurance in the first place, at least $1,000,000,000,000 for these 30 million people for six years of coverage. So in another six years we'll face the same dilemma. For the supporters of the bill on capital hill, I ask them is completely destroying a nation with debt worth giving 10% of the nation health insurance? Is it worth ruining the lives of 270 million people by destroying the financial world from this massive amount of debt? The answer is NO. Mark my words; if anyone follows stock markets and global investments what we saw with Greece and Dubai, those will be nothing compared to when the world says whoa look at the United States debt and nobody will be able to "bail" us out. There will be a global collapse and the entire world will suffer. Nations will crumble along side with the US. Even China and India will fall apart instantly since the US does most of their buying from them. When the US doesn't buy anymore, they have no money anymore. Watch these markets people and watch what happens to them with every little thing capital hill does. Before the Greece debt crisis my stocks in the global market, from companies all over the world, were small but it was a start for my investments. I originally invested just $1,000 globally to see how it would work out. Through improving economies throughout the world my stocks went up about 8% in about 7 months. When the greece debt crisis happened and it hit the market I lost nearly 20% in my investment: about 12% under from my original investment. That much of a difference happened just from the little economy of Greece.
  9. I guess things would be portrayed different if capital hill and washington D.C. actually cared about the citizens in this nation but they don't care for the most part. Look at approval ratings for proof. I know it's hurts a lot to see when Congress and most of Washington are grabbing every little thing they can for control and power and forcing things upon Americans. It's not what millions have died for. It's not American.
  10. I don't ever listen to guys like this because of what Luna said. I hate biased media productions on both sides of the spectrum; however, this was not good for the Obama Cabinet. Who gives a shit if W. or Reagan or Clinton or whoever wasn't there? Unless it's an international event going on then every president should be laying the wreath at that cemetery. Especially since a good portion of the presidents don't have first hand experience at the sacrifice that's made. Obama's second memorial day service and instead of attending a service in his home town, one would think that he would be taking care of arguably the most important cemetery in the world. Reagan had an international meeting to attend, H.W. was in his last year of his presidency and laid one at an American Legion, and W. was in his second to last year but he missed a Veterans day placing. While living veterans did make a sacrifice they never made the ultimate sacrifice so in my opinion it is not as serious as Memorial Day where we honor the millions of dead. Bottom line is Obama should have been there for his second wreath laying ceremony in office for Memorial Day. Especially with midterm elections coming up. Oh might I add that this is his second vacation since office and he's played like 30+ rounds of golf by now in just a year and half. For those that don't remember, his last vacation was this last Christmas and oh that's right the Diaper Bomber happened and he wouldn't leave his vacation or work on the situation with National Security until he got off his vacation.
  11. Any member, man or woman, in uniform is a brother or sister in arms. Anyone that falls, it hurts for all members. Even harder when you lose someone close to you. Let all those that have fallen never be forgotten from the past to the present. May peace be with their families. RIP SFC Brozovich KIA 18 October 2006, Diyala Province, Iraq (Double stack AT-Mine on a pressure plate) RIP SPC Maresh KIA 24 April 2007, Diyala Province, Iraq (Gunshot to the head)
  12. Even if you see the movie just for Megan Fox. It still wont be the same without her in there. It kinda takes away this character bond that was there for the first two Transformers. I think the director just screwed himself over the success of the third one by getting rid of Fox. That's too bad. I always kinda liked them both so far.
  13. Yeah I hear ya man. Yes I was talking about taking flash photo's at night in a combat zone. Your Gunny was right, it's one of those things at the time you say wtf were you thinking then a few days later you laugh about it. It's all good times in a combat zone. You know how it is when you're there and are like, ok what do we do to keep our sanity today? hahahaha
  14. Lol I'm a former Army guy and boy once again Marines are some of the dumbest guys I know, but they're good at their job. So I don't complain about them. lol
  15. How old are you btw?
  16. lol I once got so hammered I woke up the next morning in the same bed with my brother's girlfriend. That's all I really remember from that party.
  17. I would like to see what kind of offenders he has listed there. I'm not looking at races, but I want to see the age group, sentence lengths, crimes committed, etc. Usually at a county prison most the people that come in there are going to be fairly mild offenses: such as substance abusers and domestic violence. Sometimes you'll get a murderer or rapist in there too depending on the setup for the jail. What it all comes down to really is the mentality of the people in the area. If the mentality of the people in the area is more retributive and lock em' up throw away the key, then this prison is perfect for that. This prison design is successful to meet that criteria. If the mentality of the people in the area is more treatment oriented like rehabilitation and/or habilitation then this prison is not right for the area. Apparently this prison fits the peoples mentality of the area. There could be a few flaws that a lot of people just don't see. Personally I'm fine with the way the prisoners are treated if it is their second offense or multiple count of a crime. If an inmate is in there for a first time offense on a fairly low crime, such as substance abuse, then this prison is not going to do anything for them in my opinion. Most inmates in prisons all over the US are incarcerated for substance abuse, DUIs, and property crimes. All are crimes that were committed and all of the offenders should be treated accordingly on a case by case analysis. Some of the offenders in that prison probably don't need that type of prison system. Remember that the sentence needs to fit the crime according to the Fairness in Sentencing Act of 2002. Pretty much what it comes down to is some of these inmates need to be treated for what has been done. I'm not saying that they shouldn't have to pay for their crimes. I'm a firm believer on convicts should pay for their crimes. For some of the inmates sentenced at that prison they probably don't need to spend their whole sentence there. The conditions are harsh enough to deter them from recidivating. What they will need is treatment or reintegration treatment other than a parole officer. Parole officers case loads are too high to give each member a proper reintegration into society, so a lot of times a convict will just recidivate and be back in the system. If a convict spends ten years of his/her life in a prison, any prison at all, and then are just handed over to an overburdened parole officer then that convict will not receive the proper reintegration help that is needed to succeed in society. There is no point in dooming an offender for the rest of his/her life because they screwed up. A lot of these people can be helped and treated so they become useful members of society and help contribute to things with their efforts. It's my belief that we treat offenders for most first time offenses after an extremely difficult prison term: such as this one in Arizona. The prison life needs to be so difficult it will help act as a specific deterrence towards the offender as a reminder of what it was like incarcerated. After their prison sentence the offender needs to be treated and slowly reintegrated into society with a positive agenda. Should the offender recidivate, then lock em' up and throw away the key. If someone doesn't want to change, they wont so then why even bother with more and more offenses after the second one. See ya buddy, have a nice prison bitch life. That's my opinion though.
  18. Indeed Kirk. Once my son goes back to his mom's on Wednesday I'll be able to get back into the pub a lot more. Until then I'll do what I can to help out.
  19. I was able to get in the server and take care of this guy. No need for a ban. He's gone.
  20. It's cool man. Thanks for trying to help people though.
  21. nah I wont play it just because it's Empire Total War just for Frenchies.
  22. Wasn't there a post about this already? lol
  23. oh no man I agree with you. I just like to kinda play an angle to both sides and try to analyze what each side thinks. IMO there should be no public celebration of Cinco De Mayo since it is a Mexican holiday. If some Mexicans want to celebrate on their own time that's fine but there should be nothing public for it. It is America here. I would like to see the VP be fired for his actions, but hey that's just my opinion.
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