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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. yeah I have to agree with Yama a little bit. If they did it to be resentful to the cultural awareness of the school then that's kind of wrong; however, with cultural awareness that means that the playing field has to be even for everyone. So if the hispanics are allowed to wear their nationality colors, Mexico in this case, then the American students should be equally able to represent their culture on that day. The families may press charges against the school for this and it's my guess that not the ACLU will represent them, but the ACLJ. They're like the counter argument to the ACLU. lol It should be interesting to see how this plays out. If this does go deep in the courts system then you can probably see the Principle and/or Vice Principle be reprimanded for it. If I was a parent of one of the children that went home, then I know I would organize a lawsuit.
  2. Holy font batman!
  3. I got baseball bat as well. Regardless of who has which weapon.
  4. There is a high ping limit which should have kicked him automatically. Did it kick him or did it fail to work since the update?
  5. no..... nothing a like at all. Unless of course you sucked all their dicks and know each of them to a personal level like that.
  6. It did if you want to have a picture of a screen shot from forums. lol
  7. ...someone wanted some sweet lemonade and got on their horse and...
  8. Tamara if you need help doing stuff on forums let me know. I can get you the basics down so that you'll have knowledge of all the pictures and things for on here.
  9. Jenke kinda looks like a gay Jesus. lol Luke I am your father.... now bend over my little sex slave while I touch you. hahahah jk jk
  10. What girl in her right mind would wanna do what they did for that tool? I bet he suffers from SWS: Small Weiner Syndrom
  11. wow, what a child. Maybe his daddy touches him.
  12. you can dance, you can dance, you can dance, you can dance I did bitches.
  13. GMoney BAR


    You know that was the worst loss the Pirates have ever had in franchise history? The series loss was also the fourth worst for all of MLB history.
  14. Dude, my jaw just dropped. I want it.... now
  15. I voted for Engle because he loves the cock. I almost voted for Zahl though because his super sexy pic makes me jealous I don't live in Norway. hahahahahha
  16. Hey it's true. Actually I used to play Men's Volleyball in high school and was named to the 1st all-state team my Jr. and Sr. years. I was up for something like an All_American but some kid that was put on second team all state took my place. Whatever I guess. Fuck em' I say, Fuck em'
  17. Yama, you got a 9/10 and Barnes, that's a 10/10 man. That was a big ol' wtf. How about this?
  18. 8/10 I found it more funny than WTF. lol How fucked is this?
  19. Ok here's the game. You have to find a picture or video and post it here. Then people right after you have to vote on a scale of 1-10 of WTF. 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. Let it begin. How fucked is this?
  20. lol no I don't. I don't know who he is really. lol I've just always been a fan of Mickelson.
  21. What about my mom you dirty slut? You can't just go around sleeping with people's mom and then not mention them. WTF!
  22. wtf
  23. I refuse to watch baseball anymore. Used to love the game but have lost a lot of interest in it lately.
  24. Nothing against Tiger, I just want to see Mickelson win.
  25. I voted for Collazo because he has converted to Belgianese.
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