GMoney BAR
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Everything posted by GMoney BAR
Didn't get Howard Hughes
Ok I guess I'll dl it finally.
some of us are old though. I mean I can't keep up with all these young whipper snappers anymore. I blame rock n roll and public schools for everything. hahahahha
Take it off the rotation but keep it in the map list. Kinda like how Strand is. When the pub isn't full it kills it instantly but when it's full it does ok
I can't wait for it. It looks sweet
Actually for all your cop haters their tazering was in lawful right. It's a public offense to be nude so they diplomatically tried to get him dressed again but he refused. When they tried to remove him from the scene he resisted and at that point they have the right to taze hime. After that, well there's nothing left but to shoot and kill. No need for that though. lol. Not hard to listen though. Or just be normal for that effect. For all of you that were looking at his penis.... you're gay. lol
Well there's nothing wrong with that. What she may be doing may be an opinionated show like Glenn Beck; who is an independent mind you. I don't see her doing anything like O'Reily, another independent, or Hannity, a strong conservative. I could also see her being used as a contributor to just throw in two cents here or there and have public debated topics on air with a democratic counterpart. I'm kinda excited to see what will happen though. At least she isn't traveling around the country now and can actually be with her family.
Welcome back from the holidays everyone. Hope everyone enjoyed their season. For those of you that have noticed the pub rank dropped down to about 201. Now recent activity in there daily for about three days has raised the rank up to 191. Lets all make a conscious effort to get back into the pub regularly and get that rank back up. We could even make it a new years resolution if you want. haha
I have it. I already have Dead Center, Dark Carnival, and Swamp Fever done on expert. Still need to do Hard Rain and The Parish on Expert but I'm up for playing the campaigns again on expert to help people beat them. Dead Center and Dark Carnival took me about 90 minutes each to beat on expert. Swamp Fever took almost three hours to beat. That one is a pain in the ass to beat. Search steam friends list for me and I'll play some L4D2 with you. Name is Alphabetdbl07
This past semester I had a 52 page paper and photographs attached making it 60 pages. Most are usually around 10-15 pages though.
size of penis' 1/10
I got a computer chair. That's it.
I didn't dump my beer that is way more important than Alfie. I did lose my hat from Malkin's hat trick though. Wish it wasn't my lucky hat though. Oh well I guess.
Merry Christmas all.
I was at the Penguins vs. Senators game on 23 Dec. 2009 at Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh. I had two seats right behind visitor bench. Here are some pics of the freakin sweet night I had. Nothing like an 8-2 win over the Sens too.
They're so easy. I don't know why people hate them so much. It's an easy A every time
Thanks Kirk I was hoping you would find the link. I plan on getting it.
Not bad. Only thing I would say is make it a little more badassish if that's a word. Like the center seems a little dull.
United States (96) Canada (26) Norway (97)
Janke calls up Engle and invits him to
It's not guacamole, it's mad cow shit I wish I could go to never land
until he realizes it isn't a dildo. It's actually Fords penis that smells like
you would but you would always be Rochelle I wish I didn't have to take my finals and just get drunk
rednecks do why can't you? I wish for another wish
alah akbhar and rushes towards...