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GMoney BAR

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Everything posted by GMoney BAR

  1. I like how she was rubbing her boob like the whole time. hahahaha
  2. Favorite part is "Are you listening to me? *slap* Bitch!" hahahhaha
  3. Fag.... lol
  4. Got me my Tiger all the way upgraded now and an upgraded SU-8. Yeah that's right
  5. Regrettably I wont be there. I'll be out of town because my broham comes home from Afghanistan that day.
  6. Letters of Iwo is a great movie. I have it on blu-ray and love to watch it. It's great to see the other side of the story.
  7. Generation Kill was a joke. It was so fake it made me sick.
  8. So what if someone says Band of Brothers? Does that count as one or ten? lol Anyways my favorite war movie of all time is probably the longest day.
  9. lol This post made me laugh. I don't think I've ever known anyone to get themselves banned from Ventrillo. Thanks for the laugh man.
  10. Is it possible that perhaps he was banned when that major hacker with the name change and all of that was banned? Like could he have been mixed up with that at all? Is it possible that perhaps he was banned when that major hacker with the name change and all of that was banned? Like could he have been mixed up with that at all?
  11. Name: Drako | Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21813944 Reasons for the Ban: Shooting a rocket in spawn and TKing multiple personnel then leaving before I could get him. Recomended duration of ban: 7 days Demo Provided?: No
  12. This guy has already been kicked a few times and I guess banned before. Admins lets keep an eye out for this guy after his week ban. After that and he continues I would say perma.
  13. Setter
  14. Nope I played in Pennsylvania. I was good too. Made 1st team all state set some WPIAL records and had a ride for school to play but decided not to go down that route. lol
  15. good job guys. Keep up the great work.
  16. hey chicken fucker. I have a reputation to uphold here!
  17. I remember the white representing the peace in which we are to live, but freedom could mean that too. Either way though they're still pretty close to each other I suppose.
  18. lol I'm Team Limptwigs. I wanted Limpdicks but it wouldn't let me so it has to be limptwigs.
  19. lol focused more on soccer then decided to leave that and went into wrestling and didn't care for that then finished up with Men's Volleyball for the rest of high school. So I guess it wasn't another sport it was more like going around with a bunch of other sports.
  20. Played from tee-ball all the way up to high school. After that I switched to another sport.
  21. No need for the topic to be closed. It only has become personal to some when they have been put on their back heels. The topic can still be debated if people so desire. People need to be prepared if they want to talk politics then things can become kind of nasty.
  22. No Lamey this becomes personal attacks then. Once things like these are dropped you become open to personal attacks. So once again...don't be dumb.
  23. And.... "It only gets personal when one knows their wrong." Yeah that would be you guy. Once again. People who actually live in the country of the debated topic at hand win.
  24. I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this post? If you want to attack our government for overthrowing governments then you sir need to once again learn how America works. For 60 years the CIA has been over throwing governments by supplying and training rebels from within. It's called spies. Ummm James Bond for those fantasy people. This is how you push policy around. It's what you do when you're the super power of the world. So if our spies would overthrow a government why would we put ground troops on ground? Yeah think about it. You're still dumb. Once again learn how America works. You obviously have no idea what the American flag stands for and millions have died for what it stands for. I don't care what you believe in honestly. It's your own views and that's your own thoughts. I'm not going to hold it against you. What I am holding against you is your ineptitude to realize American politics and then want to snub your nose in it and assume that what little you know is correct. That's what I'm attacking.
  25. I don't have a problem with voicing an opinion but know your shit before you run your mouth. This post wont be locked and stopped because you are now losing this argument. It's happened before where people come in voicing their opinion about shit they have no idea about and then leave with their tails between their legs in humility because of the fact that they knew nothing. I get pissed off when people, whether American or not, come in thinking they just want to voice their opinions and have no idea what in the hell is going on or what they are talking about. It's this little fantasy world they live in and have no idea what the world is like.
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