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R. Logsdon

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Everything posted by R. Logsdon

  1. I'm not referring to the nazi propaganda, I agree completely that's not okay. I'm more speaking to the general tendency of people posting politically charged memes or making intentionally vague political implications to circumvent the unit's general attitude against political expression.
  2. I'm referring to gunnery sergeant Belcher posting on 11 October: "Attention to any of you that witnessed what just happened and to those of you that didnt. Just know ANY amount of racism or discrimination to ones ethnic background will NEVER be tolerated and moving forward it will result in a permanent ban from our discord. Keep the politics out of our discord channels as well as religious topics. These only bring out the differences in us and cause arguments and childish and vile behavior. You all have been warned. Enjoy your night!"
  3. It is generally known and accepted that political discussion is taboo, sometimes for good reason. This unit has banned political discussion, at least in Discord, to prevent tension and strife within the unit, which might harm our esprit and jeopardizes the longevity of the unit overall due to festering disagreements and passive-aggressive, suggestive sniping comments. This is a difficult topic to bring up, and even more difficult to solve as it depends on walking a fine path with good judgement and a firm hand. It is important to recognize that we're all human beings with opinions and thoughts which will inevitably come into conflict with those of others. However, if one cannot express themselves freely, they will feel alienated. Free and sincere political discussion should be encouraged, but in order for that discussion to flourish, it must be explicitly defined, and anything broaching pointless frustration must be stamped out. If it is to be allowed, political opinions must be as close to objective as possible, backed by evidence and pertaining to the topic of POLICY, not individuals or groups of people. For example, one may have an opinion on policy, but their opinion on their political adversaries is counterproductive and causes a defensive reaction in those who see the opinion and bristle. In short, to have political discussion, one must not bring down others in a derogative way, but focus solely on policies and political theory. This is where productive political discussion can prosper. If it is not to be allowed, it must be stamped out immediately and with strict discipline for those who disobey. Often times, communities will forbid political discussion, but allow a vocal minority to express their political opinions indirectly and aggressively to the detriment of others. This fosters alienation among those who may disagree, because they feel they cannot defend against vague political implications because they rightly judge further discussion will cross the line of political discussion. In this way, a vocal minority will hold a monopoly on political expression, alienate others unjustly, set the tone of the unit in a way that others can't defend against, and cause tension which harms esprit de corps. I am a senior member of another unit, and have had success with allowing politics in my Discord server but only after continuous guidance and reprimand for people who violate the spirit of free and honest discussion. I am very open with my own political beliefs and I genuinely enjoy talking with people who disagree with me. There's a difference between that kind of discussion, and the kind of discussion where two parties who obviously disagree must be vague and indirect, which most often leads to hard feelings. In short, I feel that this is an aspect of Discord which could use a bit more consistency. Too often I've seen members of our Discord server being passive-aggressive about their politics, and it's gotten on my nerves, not because I disagree, but because I can't openly disagree with them without violating a general order from higher up. Yet, they continue to vaguely post. I won't use names because that's not the point -- I don't want strife or retribution. If politics is not allowed, that standard should be applied fairly to everyone. If you feel differently, or that I'm overreacting, or just want to call me a peepee poopoo head or wannabe academic/intellectual for posting this letter, feel free. Curious to know the opinions of others on this.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umvgwXINJBE&feature=emb_rel_pause
  5. Hello 1st MRB! I recently got back into DOD:S after a several-year hiatus, not including the brief visit a couple years back. I've seen some familiar names pop into the server and was wondering whether anyone here remembers me. I used to go by "Logsdon" before I had my name changed. In any case, I just wanted to say hello and I'm glad the unit is still around.
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