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Everything posted by Marketfresh

  1. I came by for this later in the evening but I guess it had ended? I figured it'd be an all night party kind of thing..
  2. As the title reads, Conan Exiles will be a free to own download on the epic games store July 02 - July 09. Epic Games Store
  3. Me after reading this post This one-woman-band performing _Tequila_.mp4
  4. Hey guys, There was just a wipe in EFT, if any of you guys wanna group up let me know! Any skill level, I'm not a pro.
  5. There's been some interest in doing a public realism in the server lately. I'm not sure how many of them use the forums, but it'd be super cool if you guys wanted to schedule an open realism.
  6. Marketfresh

    1st Frag Video

    Really nice dude, sad I wasn't one of the kills!
  7. Unable to edit; This morning and afternoon Deconinck and I played several rounds trying to pinpoint the issue. After a couple crashes and digging around video settings and drivers we decided to shift our investigation to focus on the overlay. After reviewing a screenshot Deconinck had sent me it was apparent his machine is older, from around 2013. This meant the machine was predating Windows 10 and could be prone to some of those notorious Windows 7 Administrator bugs I've run into in my past work experiences. We set the Steam executable to be run as an Administrator, this way the overlay wont be fighting with the program when something pops up, like a friend signing on or even the Steam app dumping or receiving data. We were able to play for an hour without crashes and complete system stability. Lets hope that's the end of that.
  8. I got ENFJ-A, the Protagonist. This was pretty cool actually!
  9. Instead, here's your new binary file ready to go; https://www.dropbox.com/t/5nkpYxbnf8DOpg5S
  10. Driver issue is difficult to diagnose without the machine in front of us. Lets assume its got something to do with old and new just not getting along. Go to; C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username here\Day of Defeat Source\bin delete a file called vidcfg.bin (delete from recycling bin too) Create a new vidcfg.bin folder Change colour quality to 16-bit; it will likely be set to 32-bit Fingers crossed. Edit: Have you tried running the game without the use of any kind of overlay? Turn off Discord and disable any kind of overlay from your video card and see if that has an impact. I think you're exactly right, it's the overlay fighting with another that's creating this complication. Exactly what we're seeing here is the Steam Overlay that you use to talk to friends etc is failing and instead of restarting properly like it should you're getting CTD. I want you to disable every single overlay you can think of. If you have MSI Afterburner, EVGA PrecisionX, or any program similar; these have overlays that have been known to cause miscommunication with the Steam Overlay. Turn off any peripheral monitoring tools, like iCue, Steelseries software, Razer software. Do you remember if anything changed when this all started? I'm wondering if a peripheral software or firmware update may have caused this.
  11. Hey everyone, I just wanted to start by saying wow! Since playing on this server I haven't gone anywhere else to get my DoD:S fix, though I can't really go anywhere else if I want to keep annihilating Ducky! I'm Frank, I'm from Whitby Ontario and I'm a vehicle tech in the Canadian Armed Forces. A fantastic community exists here and I'm looking forward to meeting more of you. I've been playing on the pub for some time but I've never really decided to speak up until recently, I'm very happy I did. I've been reached out to by several members of the 1stMRB and they've been very friendly, helpful, and easy to talk to. I wanted to give a shout out to Sgt. Flores, SSgt. Paul, and Rec. Logue; They're some real star players and good guys to have around. Though I'm skeptical I could put in the time and effort it would take to progress in a realism community, I will definitely keep my options open and will continue playing on the server and having a blast with you all. I've learned so much about the game just by popping in and hanging out. Looking forward to more battles, Frank C.
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