Name: G. Wiedenhöver
Rank: Pvt.
Type of issue: Forum
Brief Description of Issue:
Dear Medical Supply Staff,
I have been experiencing an issue with accessing the forum and logging into my account. Every time I try and login with my username and password, the forum does not let me enter and I've been circumventing this by making a new password each login attempt. Unfortunately, this has proven to be quite nerve-wracking and I'm not sure what is going on. I read through older posts I found listed here and I cleared by browser cache, cookies, etc. Unfortunately, I'm still experiencing the same issues and am reaching out to you in an effort to get some advice on what I need to do to fix this/what else can be done to resolve this. I appreciate your time and help. Thank you.
***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line***
Current Status: Resolved
Main Technician: A. Hansen
Supporting Technician: