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I will be learning how to map. I am gonna start off light and do some easy maps, but I really wanted to start into making some Pacific Theatre realism maps for not only our unit, but any Marine unit in the realism community. What I do need, however, is images and ideas of what we should want it to look like. And maybe in the process I could start making a meeting/BCT map for the unit. Anyone have any ideas?
Germany (30) United States (26) Canada (26) Norway (26) Japan (14) Mexico (12) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
Germany (29) United States (26) Canada (26) Norway (26) Japan (15) Mexico (12) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
Germany (29) United States (26) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (15) Mexico (14) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (27)
Germany (28) United States (26) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (15) Mexico (16) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (26)
Germany (27) United States (25) Canada (26) Norway (25) Japan (16) Mexico (16) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (26)
Please send me the link to that spray. Haha, I must has itz!
Scrubs Family Guy Bleach South Park Pokemon(Good ol' days) Naruto(N00bish days)
France (1) Germany (26) United States (25) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (17) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (25)
France (2) Germany (25) United States (25) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (17) Mexico (17) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (25)
France (2) Germany (24) United States (25) Canada (25) Norway (25) Japan (18) Mexico (17) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (16) Russia (25)
Umm, the reason why I voted no is simply this. If we 'wanted' to go to war with NK, we would wipe their asses off the face of the planet simply because there entire nation, even down to the women and children, are their military. We would not hesitate to annihilate them. It would not be war, it would be the chaotic destruction of a small country in Asia.
LMFAO! "Health kits over here!" "PILLZ!~!!11!"
Name: Rec. I. Koopa [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:24271444 Date & Time of ban: Unsure Admin who banned you: Unsure Reasons for the Unban: I am unsure of how I was banned, but it was only from the public server. My brother couldn't connect to the server as well. I get this when I try...
But it is ignorant to say the least to avoid "the trouble of" possible recruits. But as you wish, I will change my steam name to what the unit wants. Sorry to have troubled you.
And that is why I posted this here. I have the name change plugin for a reason. I don't want it different, because I play other games and it is too tasky to change my name back. Edit: And even if they don't want any beef from strangers, maybe they know you, or want to join. At least accept them to see what they want or if anything like this happens, and if they give you shit then delete them. Simple.
Okay, I keep trying to add someone from the 1st MRB onto my friends list that is online. Everyone that I've added so far has picked ignore. My fucking name is Koopa Paratroopa in steam and Rec. I. Koopa [1st MRB] in DoD:S. I have a name changing plugin specific for DoD:S. Someone please add Sharpshootza to their friends. I just got this game a few weeks ago and I have barely any friends, let alone being able to communicate with my own unit.
I'm part Canadian and I love putting ketchup on my eggs.
France (7) Germany (23) United States (25) Canada (22) Norway (23) Japan (17) Mexico (19) China (20) Italy (20) Denmark (19) Russia (22) Fuck the Soviets, Ze muffinz from mein Germany shall live long!
Eat it, bitch. You know you love it.
I suggest some Pacific based maps, like these. http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/84321 http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/16848 http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/41536