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Kevinsen 1st MRB

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Kevinsen 1st MRB last won the day on May 1 2023

Kevinsen 1st MRB had the most liked content!


About Kevinsen 1st MRB

  • Birthday 09/17/1989

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Springfield Sniper Rifle

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Kevinsen 1st MRB's Achievements

Forum Punk

Forum Punk (23/91)



  1. I really enjoyed reading all of this! Keep up the great job everyone!
  2. I am Kevin, I live in quebec (canada). I've been on and off cause of my health issues but I still have 1stMRB tatooed on my heart!
  3. Congratulations to all winners!
  4. Little clip from me 12years+ ago CS 1.6, was playing pro at this time
  5. My condolences.
  6. Name: siwaliks Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:65746825 Reasons for the Ban: TeamKilling Recommended duration of ban: 3 days Demo Provided?: Y Additional comments: I joined the server and that guy was TKing ppl on purpose in spawn. I told him next time you TK someone, you're kicked. Then he proceeded to kill me as well. I was about to kick him but he left the server before I was able to.
  7. Thank you, demo will be reviewed.
  8. Thank you for submiting this. The demo will be reviewed.
  9. Name: [§mΞ] IndianaJones Qc Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:13525200 Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect towards admin. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Comments: I asked him several times to keep it "Field side until we get 5v5" then after the third time I warned him about it he said in french; Fuck your stupid server, fucking retard. Then left the game.
  10. Good news!!
  11. Make sure your "Echo cancellation" is checked in voice/video settings on discord
  12. Name: Green Power Ranger Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:183281112 Duration of mute: Permanent Reasons for the Mute: Subjects about politics and other nonsence stuffs. Demo Provided?: N Comments: He has been warned several times the past days and he still did it again.
      • 3
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  13. nn to comment old threads, thank you.
  14. Name: AirPodsThief Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:193364012 Reasons for the Ban: Hacking. (Aimbot, norecoil etc) Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y airpods.dem
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