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N. Garcia

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Everything posted by N. Garcia

  1. gimme a sec
  2. Name: Desert Punk Buck [LC] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:43486020 Reasons for the Ban: Spam in Mic/Chat Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has accumulated over 11 commbans in total. The screeching/spamming mic will now stop.
  3. Name: Vile Sack of Ass Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:454139639 Reasons for the Ban: Spam in Mic/Chat Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has accumulated a total of 8 comm bans. This is Dick Van Ballsack by the way, perma muted/gagged on 6/10/22, after the sourcebans issue a few days ago, I noticed the gag/mute was undone so I put it back on.
  4. Name: SOVEREIGNTY_CENTRUM_DENMARK Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:14814312 Reasons for the Mute/Gag: Spam in Mic/Chat Recommended duration of Mute/Gag: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has accumulated a total of 8 comm bans.
  5. Name: k1ller Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15087428 Reasons for the Ban: Ignoring Admins Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: I’m currently at work posting this ban report. Player has accumulated a total of 11 bans. Should’ve been perma’d a long time ago guys…
  6. Name: Pretty Ricky Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:12792014 Reasons for the Ban: Spam in Mic/Chat Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: Player has accumulated a total of 9 comm bans. If you have never seen this player in the server, he pretty *no pun intended* much tries to start shit with other players.
  7. Name: captain_obvious Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:419099778 Reasons for the Ban: Racism - Bigot Lives Don’t Matter Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: N Comments: Sorry for posting this late, I’m currently at work posting this ban report. Player was being a total ass.
  8. Player is permanently banned. They *obviously* went over the line with their actions. Thanks Goose.
  9. Name: AngerTomCatnzl Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:6853618 Duration of Mute/Gag/Silence: Permanent Reasons for the Mute/Gag/Silence: Player has accumulated 18 total comm bans, also disrespects other players. Witnesses present?: N/A
  10. Player has accumulated a total of 18 mutes/gags so they are permanently muted/gagged. Thanks Faraj.
  11. Player is banned for 1 day. Thank you.
  12. Name: tree Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:3795020 Reasons for the ban: Teamkilling Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo provided?: No Comments: Upped the ban made by Sgt. Faraj to permanent due to having 5 total bans.
  13. Name: Zacolf Degrootler Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:628824393 Reasons for the ban: Inappropriate language Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo provided?: Yes check comments. Comments: http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/m#/m/playerinfo/324084/chat?b=http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/m
  14. The CS is currently working on a solution on this issue. The images just need to be relinked again if I remember correctly.
  15. Name: Sgt. alehandroN, Sgt. alehandroNgrz Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:696445675, STEAM_0:1:702088694 IP address: Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Ban Evasion Demo Provided?: No. Comments: Ban evasion via VPN
  16. I have given him 2 days. Danke Strickland.
  17. Name: [ANONOMUS HACK] IRuNzXbOxLiVeZz Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:651687406 Duration of ban: Permanent Reason for the ban: Inappropriate language Demo provided?: Nope Comments: Reported by Sgt. Strickland, clearly the same player as previous ban report 5 minutes prior to this one.
  18. Name: Scapegoat40 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:696823070 Duration of ban: Permanent Reasons for the ban: Inappropriate language Demo Provided?: Nope Comments: Reported by Sgt. Strickland, player was screaming the N word and immediately disconnected and reconnected multiple times doing said offense.
  19. He has been permanently banned. Thank you Strickland.
  20. Handling right now.
  21. The ban has been upgraded to 1 month. Thanks Faraj!
  22. He is banned for 1 week. Thank you very much Goose!
  23. Handling this right now
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