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N. Garcia

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Everything posted by N. Garcia

  1. Decided that he won’t be speaking for 3 days. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  2. Player has been banned for 1 day.
  3. Taking care of this right now.
  4. looks like he’s been yeeted by Cpl. Faraj for three days. thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  5. Taking care of this right now.
  6. I have taken care of him once the map changed. Thank you. <3
  7. Doing realism on sturm. Cpl Johnson and Cpl Palladino are choosing weapons Johnson: So what weapons would you like? Palladino: 2a(a-b*2) + 5e(z+2b) Everyone: Dies
  8. Names: decapitated PORK insanity and brad pitt ****** slayer Steam I.Ds: STEAM_0:0:50614254 and STEAM_0:0:41293944 Reasons for the Ban: inappropriate language Recommended duration of ban: up to admin Demo Provided?: reported by Cpl. E. Strickland through both discord and steam PM, pork insanity was going over the line talking about "which race is the best" and all that crap. then brad pitt decided to drop some n words through voice.
  9. Name: Gladiator-Ricdog Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11794600 Reasons for the ban: Inappropriate language Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo provided? http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/player_histories/chat/260041
  10. Name: N**** Slayer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:554895298 Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate name, also has the same IP address with these other accounts: adhdking STEAM_0:1:420812983 , ADHDKING STEAM_0:1:126914385 , Zenon, STEAM_0:0:617878430 Recommended duration of ban: Admin's choice Demo Provided?: check sourcebans
  11. Name: kiddo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:538861195 Recommended Duration of Mute/Gag/Silence: 1 day or 1 week Reasons for the Mute/Gag/Silence: Inappropriate language Witnesses present?: N/A Comments: Decided to check chatlogs on gameME and saw that he was dropped the "F" word in chat, overall a very salty man (this was after I left the server and got off DoD:S to check the logs by the way, also sorry if i posted this in the incorrect area or used the incorrect format)
  12. Name: [F0CKTH3M] BIG DICK N**** Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:632962695 Reasons for the Ban: Inappropriate name Recommended duration of ban: Perma Demo Provided?: No saw the ban Tator put in and I feel like he needs a perma due to name
  13. Name: Ballistic Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:625673979 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Racist song blasted over the mic Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments: Sgt. Pitteway and Pfc. Strickland were in the server at the time of ban.
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  14. Send them to gulag.
  15. Name: VaNhAcKeR Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1007694 Duration of ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Team Killing/Exceeding over 5 bans Demo Provided?: N Comments: He had a total number of 6 bans and was warned multiple times not to TW/TK.
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      • Thanks
  16. Name: mcspoopy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:591991883 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the ban: Aimbot, Wallhack, etc. Demo Provided: Yes Comments: SgtMaj. Crafton was my witness also. mc.dem mcspoopy.dem
  17. Smooth jazz is the best jazz. Calms me down every time i listen to it!
  18. from yesterday... only fucking domination ill ever get in this damn challenge...
  19. Very handsome Sgt
  20. Same for me, I'm having issues with installing the skins, it's a different error though...
  21. booba.dem here's one more
  22. Our server is located in New Jersey and as far as I know, there weren't any changes to the server
  23. Happy to the best Captain in the unit! Have a good day today sir!
  24. I was chilling in VC with Candy and Wright *Candy kills a Drake in Valheim* Candy: "Fuck Drake... not the rapper" Garcia: Laughs hard
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