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Everything posted by knightlife

  1. Name: MAFAKA >:( (usually goes by Depri) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:163245942 Reason for the ban: Intentional TKing Recommended Length: Player plays here all the time. Knows better. Long. He also tkd me about 4-5 times after this demo (which was the first). Demo: Yes harass.dem
  2. Name: Epic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:3039895 (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/182022) Reason for the Ban: Tking me, after being told not to TK (his friend) Rec. Length of Ban: 1 day Screenshot: For context, neither guy in Fields I just killed were on his angle. It was just him running from spawn and me. Intentional.
  3. Name: Patrtick Basedman (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/336548) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155424261 Reason for ban: Mass Tking, even after I told him not too, over the course of 2 maps. Length of the ban: 1 day. Has 22 kills & 15 TKs on his account (see above GameME link). Demo/Screenshot? Yes
  4. Individual continued harassment for the duration of the night. I recommend at least a week+ now. This kind of toxicity isn't needed on the server. And continued disrespect only incites others to partake. He clearly demonstrated that he has no respect for the rules.
  5. Name: nick Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137638738 Reason for the ban: Insulting BAR/1st MRB member. He was angry I killed him a couple times. Recommended Length of the Ban: 1 day+ (depending on history) Screenshot:
  6. Name: Joaquіn1986 (used another name) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:763286724 Reason for the ban: Mass TKing in spawn (set up MG 21+ kills) Note: He changed his name. His real account: http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/335281 Recommended length: Permanent. Throwaway account. Has never played here before. Screenshot:
  7. Name: БЕСПЕРСПЕКТИВНЯ (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/335222) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:566144613 Reason for the ban: Mass Tking (currently -25) Recommended length: Permanent. Demo?: Screenshot
  8. Name: Sub-Zero Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17027320 Reason for the ban: Intentional team-wounding/Attempted team-wounding. - Initially, team-naded in the Argentan apps window, killing himself. Would have killed me if I didn't move out of the room. After I told SMGs to vacate the sniper window, that there's plenty of ground to push. He said no. His prerogative. - Right after the aforementioned, he team-naded me. (I [allied] was on the train tracks, enemy was at their 1st flag, halfway across the map. I was by myself. No reason for that nade. He wounded me for 73 dmg (see below). No enemies even close. Purely intentional. Then he got argumentative when I told him not to do that ever again. Recommended length of the ban: 1 day. Not only was it an intentional nade, he started to argue with me about it when I told him don't ever do that again. Given that I don't have admin, my ability was limited to act on it. Demos: None. Event logs: 1. Would have killed me if I didn't move out of the room where he naded himself. 2. Tried to team kill me with a nade right afterwards.
  9. Name: MethMan Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:593371286 Reason for the Ban: Openly insulting BAR members (me). Upto and including "youre a bitch," "youre moms a hooker," etc. In the middle of me talking to another player about not team-wounding. Had nothing to do with him, but he interjected with insults. Length of the ban: Never plays here. No reason it shouldn't be permanent. Demo: No. Palladino witnessed. Duncan was also in game at the time.
  10. Name: Nehu Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:454407675 Reason for the ban: Ran right towards me down an empty alleyway [he was my teammate] where I had an MG set up. Stood beside me staring at me, ran away. Turned around, launched a rifle grenade right at me. I moved before it could kill me. Purely intentional idiocy. Length of the ban: 1 day is fair. It couldn't have been more intentional. Demo?: None. I moved after he launched the nade at me.
  11. Name iGbatsov Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:437515454 Reason for the Ban: Repetitive team-killing same another guy. Even after told not to TK by myself & Deadchick. Recommended Length of Ban: 1 day to cool off. Demos?: Screenshot of one of the TKs. Event log screenshots.
  12. Name j.valent Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:758456318 Reason for the Ban: Repetitive team-killing same another guy. Even after told repeatedly not too by myself & Deadchick. Recommended Length of Ban: 1 day to cool off. Demos?: Screenshot of event log screenshots.
  13. Name: WTF_Man Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65829081 Reason for ban: Racism Recommended length of the ban: Permanent Demo?: Screenshot
  14. Name: ShinyCreeper (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/334844) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:574457658 Reason for Ban: Hacking/TKing Recommended length of ban: Permanant Demo?: Yes shinycreeper.dem
  15. Name: Palestinian Jesse Pinkman (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/334805) Steam: STEAM_0:1:526431676 Reason for ban: Racism (spammed N-bomb over mic repeatedly at start of Anzio). Proceeded to TK and chat explains itself on this one. Length of ban: Permanent. Demo:? Screenshot.
  16. None of this is true. Accusations of cheating is against the server rules and I've never done so. This accusation is pure slander. Every instance I have with these two, they instigate by insulting me. I don't actively converse with either one. I don't know either one of them, but they can't help but harass me in the pub.
  17. Name: Step/Sgt. J. Lazaro¬ |8th ID| Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43263439 Reason for the ban: Insulting Member (me). Called me a pussy, twice - because I killed him 3x in a row. Length of the ban: Depends on history. 1 day, for now. Player has a history of witnessed verbal harassment towards pub members. I've been told this player was permabanned twice in the past for similar behaviour. Demo: None. Via microphone, twice. Witnessed by Broadstreet.
  18. Name: 13196988140 (http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/playerinfo/334315) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:206103623 Reason: TKing in spawn. Troll account, I imagine. Recommended Length: One day. Demo? Screenshot
  19. I'll play this with you sometime, Yoders! Don't have it downloaded, so I'll work on that haha.
  20. Name: {CoW} Duk1NG [J] Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:35611149 Reason for the ban: Tking/Retaliatory Tking Length of the ban: 1 day, at least. Demos: Yes jasmine3.dem jasmine1.dem jasmine2.dem
  21. Name: I love jasmine Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137638738 Reason for the ban: Tking/Retaliatory Tking/Harassing players Length of the ban: Depends on history, but 1 day, at least. Demos: Yes jasmine1.dem jasmine2.dem jasmine3.dem
  22. Name: Mazikeen Smith Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:218217869 Reason for the ban: False accusations of hacking/harassing others. I'll point you to his chat history, which details it more: http://gm.1stmarineraiders.com/player_histories/chat/232396 In fairness, he was accusing a hacker who did get permabanned for hacking (free as a bird) - but his bashing of KrN was out-of-line and unacceptable. And he has a previous history of accusations on other days. Length of the ban: Honestly, no idea. This isn't a normal request from me. I just thought I would get a headstart on this guy, because it seems to be a pattern. Screenshot: Yes
  23. Name: I'm as free as a bird now Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63822253 Reason for the ban: Suspected aimbotting. Length of the ban: Permanent Demo? Yes free.dem
  24. Name: SedraqKrew RobZ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:740738261 Reason for ban: Mass Tking, intentionally. Trolling pub via mic. Recommended Length: Permanent. Up to 24 Tks now. Has never played here. Troll account. Screenshot:
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