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Everything posted by knightlife

  1. Name: Bugsy Steam I.D: U:1:20239948 Reasons for the Ban: Right after the symbol guy type a racial slur, this guy repeated it over the mic (in addition to incessant mic-spamming) Recommended duration of ban: Upto you. Demo Provided?: N
  2. Name: パトリック Steam I.D: U:1:1091165885 Reasons for the Ban: Racism. Recommended duration of ban: Upto you. Demo Provided?: Screenshot.
  3. Name: Pluck Ducks Steam I.D: U:1:224834179 Reasons for the Ban: Homophobic slurs, Insulting other players and TKing (at least 4 times on demo, plus before and after). Paladino can attest to this. Recommended duration of ban: He had 0 respect for server rules and was spamming mic with insults towards everyone. Up to you guys. Demo Provided?: Yep demo.dem
  4. Name: PJ Squee Steam I.D: U:1:28954256 Reasons for the Ban: Intentionally Tk'd me twice, after Admin (Strickland) kicked him for a witnessed intentional TK on Jagd, the map before. On Santos: 1st, he TK'd me by Santos' bridge. 2nd, he TK'd me in allied spawn. (Second screenshot) Recommended duration of ban: Up to you guys. He clearly didn't get the message when Strickland warned him with a previous kick. Demo Provided?: N. Screenshots, though.
  5. Name: Fall Steam I.D: [U:1:313026180] Reasons for the Ban: TKing tonight (On Kalt, currently -10 K) Recommended duration of ban: Forever, ideally. Just logged in and started intentional TKing. Demo Provided?: N
  6. Name: S C R A G G Y sups.gg Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:553051944 Steam ID Lookup: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:553051944 Duration of Ban: Dealer's choice. Reasons for the Ban: Tking in spawn, with intent. Demo Provided?: Yes Comments: Dueled another guy, in spawn with pistols. He kept at it even after the other guy said stop. Was -12 kills @ 06:30, this morning. **To Note** Once he realized there were no admins (server was about 25 persons), he started mass tking on the next map (Colmar). tkingkid.dem
  7. Name: 上善若水 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:432545982 Steam IO Lookup: https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198825357693 Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198825357693 Name: 电玩大脑子 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:532445473 Steam IO Lookup: https://steamid.io/lookup/76561199025156675 Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199025156675 Reason for Ban: TKing in spawn with his friend. They're linked in Steam Friends, as well. At time of writing this, both players were between 10-15 TKs. Recommended Length: Up to you. Demo: Yes tkingdemo3.dem
  8. Name: _Chaito Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:437375036 Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835015800 Full Steam ID Lookup: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:0:437375036 Reasons for the Ban: Excessive intentional team killing. Joined the server, got pissed off when member said speak English on mic (he was speaking Turkish). Started TKing over the next map (Anzio) Also said something about American Nazis in chat, before it all started. Recommended duration of ban: Up to you guys. Demo Provided?: Y tkdemo2.dem
  9. Name: Jahcouix™ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:75456638 SteamID3: [U:1:150913277] SteamID64: 76561198111179005 Link to steamid.io Lookup of his information: https://steamid.io/lookup/76561198111179005 (confirms above IDs) Link to Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/homeyswag/ Reasons for the Ban: Joined and began to TK on Palermo @ ~5 AM, Saturday, June 26th. Had about 30 Tks on the map at time of writing this. Continued into next map (Donner), where he had another 15 tks before leaving when the server died down. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent. It was so blatantly obvious this was his sole intention. He set up an MG in his own spawn for death spawns. Demo Provided?: Yes. Additional Info (his friend then joined to TK as well): His friend, https://steamcommunity.com/id/richardsbigwong, also came on in Donner and began to TK (reaching at least -12 kills). Two are linked as friends on Steam (can check bios and friend lists). Demo not recorded, as he came in after my original demo from Palermo. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71680433 SteamID3: [U:1:143360866] SteamID64: 76561198103626594 Cheers, Nookie/aceswild tkingdemo.dem
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