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Marsden 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marsden 1st MRB

  1. Windows 10 has been in active circulation in the Technical Preview for approx 1 year now. Most major issue's with being an OS have been addressed (key word here is major). However given the gaming communities tendancy to find things that break shit I will happily be the unit's guinea pig (my copy of Windows 10 will be installed before I get home from work).
  2. +1 for ultra's strat; much faster
  3. Ya if you use the commuter lane without carpool you can get ticketted with depending on the area a fairly fat fine. On a side note; I am amazed. Canada looks like western Oregon/Washington, I was expecting Ice and Bagged Milk everywhere
  4. American Media conglomerates: Largest set of organized terrorist factions in the world. This is why you should be afraid today! And why you were afraid yesterday! And why to be afraid tomorrow! Ooooh and be afraid of this new bullshit thing or that. Especially be afraid of independent thought and forming one's own opinion. ^Why I stopped watching news. Mexican weather: No fucking idea what the weather will be but I love this shit, feel all warm and cozy and safe, nothing to be afraid of except the idea of never being able to see that ass again. ^Why I am going to start watching news again.
  5. Well nice to see you posting up on the forums and as you can see we are all excited to see you taking an interest in the community XD Can't wait for December to see if you decide to join up; but either way I'm glad you enjoy our servers so much and am happy that we are able to provide a place that fits your playstyle.
  6. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Sano. The word of the unit remains Respect as it was during your time with us. I apologize that you had to deal with this disrespect within our server and hope that you understand that this will be addressed more fully. I hope that this doesn't shade your opinion of the current structure of our unit as you know from experience that we are a great bunch of players.
  7. To be honest Arsenault those are amazing statistics for a Sat connection....... In regards to Microwave/RFID internet connections you are correct that they do not have as substantial of a Latency issue as Sat internet connections; they tend to have issue's with back end routing. Most Microwave/RFID providers purchase at most 10-20 public IP addresses (one per radio tower distributing their WAN). They then set up a server to work as a gigantic router and subnet all of their clients onto Private IP addresses making it so that any for of Port Specific traffic you need to receive is going to be extremely difficult as you are not only behind a firewall for your home network but the firewall of the broadcasting network. This can cause many issue's from abysmally slow downloads despite having high download speed to a complete innability to connect to others on a peer to peer connection (Xbox Live/PSN/League of Legends) and in extreme cases an innability to connect to some servers. Port Forwarding can in some cases mitigate this but often times is not going to change much due to the second and sometimes even 3rd 4th and 5th firewalls outside of your home. If you have moved out to the country look into vDSL providers; or even aDSL (as the Analog Digital Subscriber Lines can run off most any Telephone line [i say most, not all]), and your latency will be drastically improved without the firewall issue's I have described. I recommend vDSL as you can get speeds up to 1gigabit (if you find someone saying they have gigabyte internet and it isn't Fiber Optic Service they are lying) although from what I have seen it is very rare and pricy; not to mention the fact that any DSL connection degrades in speed as you travel further from a hub, and accompanying this is a steady increase in latency (should stay under 250 though). Telus and Bell Canada are the largest DSL providers in the great white north that I know of currently. Have you contacted them as of yet?
  8. That sounds like a ton of fun! Would love to see this on a friday night fights or Bears at the BAR scenario!
  9. Aaah I wish I could go see Modest Mouse T.T have a blast Ford!
  10. Harding doesn't tho Hill So glad to hear your doing better Harding. Can't wait to get wrecked by you in the pub like old times.
  11. Ya Ascencio got me to make a statement starting with "Back in my day......" and I was like; well fuck.
  12. aaah I see. so ya not to far separate.
  13. XD thanks guys. It's been an awesome road and I wouldn't change more than maybe 20 minutes of it Also I hadn't realized I had enlisted before you McDowell lol
  14. And how the fuck it managed to be six years already I don't even fucking know. All I know is that I've been here this long and I plan to be here at least as long again. See you guys in a decade ya? And in about 2 decades when my not yet born son is 16 he will join with us. Best online groupe I have ever encountered and am not likely to encounter another that is even half as good. It amazes me to see the development of the unit and the growth of our members, while some of us will undoubtedly move on or grow apart (shit I may eventually be counted in that group) we will never loose the times we've had together kicking ass in the public or private servers.
  15. Lol, amazing how fast time goes; that doesn't feel like it was years ago to me, then I think about and am like yup; it has been like at least 3 years now.
  16. But...... unfair I say. Unfair indeed.
  17. I can understand your frustrations. It is a long and gruelling process to get a member made map added to the server. Ford is the only one to ever have gotten one on. Many have tried and you maps are the closest I have seen to getting there. If you need someone to render farm for you I'm down as I don't play much anymore and my computer is idle on Tuesdays, Thurs-Sat. I can understand your decision not to re-enlist as well as your life and enjoyment of the game you play has t o come first XD. The unit is being led by Lt.Col. Yamagata and the rest of the Commissioned Officers at this time. The primary reason we don't see them in game as much anymore is as your time is primarily consumed by mapping their time is consumed by the logistics of running the unit. They ensure that the server bills are paid with the unit donations and that when a reset needs to happen (nearly regardless of the hour) it can be put through within an hour or two of the request being put in. Additionally they are constantly updating the forums going through and editing lines of code to ensure that our unit runs smoothly. As one of the Higher ranks you speak of that primarily now plays other games it is quite simply that I have dedicated so much of my time to the behind the scenes running of the unit that I don't always want to join the pub to have to deal with asshat trolls and the like. However in regards to the Sgt.Maj. who disrespected you please feel free to send out a PM to myself or any of our other SNCO's and we will work to bring it up the chain and have it addressed as needed. The word of the unit is Respect; always has been and always will be. Additionally whenever my work schedule allows me to be active in the days for Official realisms and running public realism's that is what I happily spend my daytime hours doing, but when I only have an hour or two to blow off some steam I don't always want to join the pub and just mute voice thus avoiding the need to do my job, it's counter productive. I apologize if this post comes off as aggressive in any way; I know you love the unit, but I do as well and owe much to the Command Staff; as do all of us in this community. I will defend my Officers and happily take any gruff that comes my way for it as I will defend my Enlisted men in 1st Platoon and take the flack I occasionally put myself into with Command Staff for it. And simply to re-state I would happily render farm for you to see this map get to a point that you are comfortable submitting it across to the Ordnance Office to get it Raider approved and as such allow for it to be put into place on the Private server for testing purposes and later (hopefully) to the public server for some good old fashioned Tom-Foolery. In addition if you have other maps that need rendering my machine is at your disposal.
  18. Can I just play as the dog?
  19. THERE SHOULD BE NO IF USMCevasco comes back; only when. I needs the drinking partner.
  20. CEVASCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME BACK MAN! There is almost no one left from back in the day of the drunken pub crawls to get PTU rights! Percy vanished; and Mellot to now. They still play just not with me T.T
  21. Name: Mike Martin Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:137502 Reasons for the Ban: I have never before been as disrespected personally or had the unit this blatantly disrespected in all my time here. this individual has been Dishonorably discharged already however I am unable to find a ban report on file for him and wasn't able to locate him on the gameme ban list (admittedly I could be looking thorugh it wrong). If he has already been banned I appologise for re-posting Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y Review chat bellow. 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: do you use your Steam cards and what not? mikeyson: u r really fucking talking to me right now 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: What did I do to piss you off martin? mikeyson: ur clan pissed me off i got kicked out for calling u guys out for ghosting in ur own pub 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: We can ghost in the pub mikeyson: really 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: It's realism's that ghosting's not tolerated in within our Unit. mikeyson: does that make u feel good? mikeyson: its a fucking pub mikeyson: ur ghosting against noobs mikeyson: does that make ur clan feel better about themselfs? 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: No but it doesn't bother me either. Have a good one Martin. I had thought you were a bigger person than to let all chat settings in the pub alienate you from the unit. mikeyson: i am the bigger person mikeyson: not cheating pub players mikeyson: like ur clan is 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: Additionally, clan implies we have additional games and activities; we are a Realism Unit as we only do realism mikeyson: dude really 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: You were clearly kicked for your disrespectful attitude. Enjoy your life. mikeyson: u cheat ur own pub players out of a solid game mikeyson: and im the bad guy mikeyson: look at urselfs mikeyson: fucking sad 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: And your a disrespectful individual. Was I at any point involved in your kick? Had I ever been a jerk to you? No. However you decide that because you took attitude with a different admin in the pub we are all out to get you. I am sorry that you decided to behave as you have, but I had nothing to do with the actions taken against you; nor was I aware of you ever being kicked until just now. mikeyson: ROFL mikeyson: im got kicked because i called out ur boys mikeyson: for ghosting mikeyson: no disrepect happened\ mikeyson: ur boys just realized im smarter then most players mikeyson: ive played dod before steam was around mikeyson: im a pro csgo player mikeyson: ur boys r fucking stupid mikeyson: they thought they could out smart me..then realized i knew what was going on so they banned me mikeyson: get ur facts straight bro mikeyson: ive been playing dod before steam was even around 1stSgt. C. Marsden [1st MRB]CB: Well I'm glad we had this conversation. I had kept you on my friendslist in the hopes that we could play again at any point. I see now this was a mistake. Due to your decision to act without any form of respect towards me as a human being; disregarding wether or not I am a member of the 1st MRB, I'm removing you from my friends and blocking you. Enjoy your life buddy. Hope the Pro Circuit treats you better.
  22. Wirths that is amazing.
  23. Mayhap my necro post can bring him back?
  24. Yama that's great
  25. In the event of rioting and extreme violence against the populace by subsects of said populace I believe Martial Law to be completely acceptable. While the Baltimore PD needs to answer for what occured with the individual who died in their custody; this behavior makes no one but the community pay. Additionally it gives credence to use of heavy handed tactics by police forces as re-inforced by Reyes' initial post's ending statement This is never an acceptable route in today's society. Especially not for a country that attempts to claim to be at the forefront of any aspect of civilization. The blanket approval of lethal force by Officers of the Law has been removed and regulations tightened for a reason. Use of lethal force even in warranted situations serves only to increase tensions between the populace and Law Enforcement; not to mention between the populace and the government as a whole. We need to implement more effective less lethal, as there is truly no such thing as truly non-lethal ordnance for crowd control; if you hit someone who has a pace maker or artificial heart valve with a stun gun you'll fry their heart; catch someone in the temple with a beanbag fired from a shotgun or rubber pellet from a rifle and they are probably going to have brain hemorrhaging and potentially a fractured skull, for situations were there are large groups of aggressor's who are not acting in a logical way. I don't care what your position is; breaking into an establishment; robbing it and then destroying the property can have no logical backing.
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